Because of Trump, American company stocks have collapsed, while Russian stocks continue to rise.

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Krasnov is doing a good job. I bet Putin is proud.

AmErIcA FirSt – tRuMp WiLl FiX iT

Remember that, those are all **sanctioned** by the Treasury.

This makes it beyond obvious that Trump is a Russian asset.

Everything Trump has done this past month has been to weaken the U.S, weaken the EU, weaken Ukraine. and boost Russia

Guys please be pragmatical. Collapse would be -40% at least. Anyway it’s a fucking shame but don’t exagerate.

You know, the theory that he is indeed a Russian agent is not beginning to seem so weird

“Collapsed” might be a slight overstatement, don’t you think?

Collapsed seem like and overstatement.

All the Us stocks are at an all time hight.

-4% at Ath is not a collapse , it’s a current daily fluctuation.

We will see in a few month.

I find it absolutely mental that it has been reported in numerous sources by both US and Russian intelligence services that Trump is a Russian asset and nobody bats an eye lid in the US.

Every action he has taken since he entered office benefits Russia and harms the US. Cut the US off from all of its traditional allies, move the US off of the global stage and reduce its influence (something the Chinese and Russians have wanted more than anything else) and taking an approach to Ukraines rare earth resources that essentially proves what Russia has been saying about the US in the global south, that they invade for resources and aren’t a trustworthy partner. Also, significantly reducing confidence in democracy by saying that elections are fixed and aren’t to be trusted.

How is this going unnoticed in the US?

Collapsed? Most of them have dropped 0.5% -3%. They can all do that in any given day.

European and Asian markets also went up.

Long live President Krasnov! ✊

What a return of investment for Russia.

I’m so glad I sold my stocks 3 weeks ago. They say don’t time the market, but… when you see an oncoming train, moving out of the way is a smart idea.

Well done Trump, you are russias best tool!

1-4% of companies worth trillion dollars.

They will survive that hit.

Let’s make EU stocks green

Join us in the mission: [r/BuyFromEU](

(We also support any trade with our allies included Canada, Japan, Ukraine or Mexico)

As much as I love Europe, come on guys… European stocks suck. A few percentage drop on the SP500 does not equal to a collapse. Let’s stop with the over-exaggeration as if US stocks are done and now Europe will reign. I don’t know anyone who buys European stocks. I live in Europe and have never even touched them.

Crazy times.

Make Russia great again should have been the motto of Trump’s campaign…

Art of the deal 🤡

Putin strokes Trumps head… “Good boy, good boy”

In this day and age it is a lot harder to be a lone country that is self sustaining unless you are China which has a lot of natural resources… the U.S. is alienating itself with a already fragile economy… honestly are trade agreements with our “allies” and other treaties/etc.. where we were always giving is imo the trade off for the U.S. to have the bigger say in global issues, circumstances, and situations.

Unfortunately the average MAGA has never checked the stock market in their life

So all is going according to the plan of the russian boss of Trump. What a great asset they have in him

How does this have nearly 2k upvotes? The market is barely off all time highs. A 4% dip isnt even a correction, let alone a dip. 

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