Automobile Industry lobby against this so you can keep buying cars.
2 months ago
Because we allowed rich people and big oil lobbyists convince us that we don’t need a decent railway and public transportation system. The rest of the industrialized world seems to get it though.
2 months ago
Follow the money, learn why. It’s greed. Greed is why.
2 months ago
Capitalism puts profit over people whether democratic or republican, they all commit to the destabilization of other countries, proxy wars, over exploitation, corporate privatization of human rights of healthcare, housing and food security.
2 months ago
Big Oil is the real answer.
Let’s not pretend Harris would’ve spearheaded high-speed rail when it Clinton, Obama, and Biden all had an opportunity but did nothing. Corporations and their lobbyists are the ones dictating policy via political puppets. They don’t want it, so we don’t get it. Same for universal healthcare. They want to keep us down, not lift us up.
2 months ago
If using the example like Florida, Fort Myers and Tampa all the old rich boomer in government said trains and public transit will invite rapists and pedophiles. “Yall want your kids and wives on trains with these people”. True shit in the Florida subreddit. But, yes they vote against it and they fear monger to get the masses to hop on to the trend.
2 months ago
Didn’t you guys pay an oligarch to make hyperspeed tunnels just for it to never happen?
I think it was called the boring company
2 months ago
Because Elon Musk convinced California that he’d build us a hyperloop instead, which turned out to be just a ploy to kill transportation options and sell more Deathlas.
2 months ago
If you have not ridden HSR in Europe or Asia, I highly recommend it. It’ll change your life and make you mad at the fact you have to drive EVERYWHERE in this godforsaken place.
2 months ago
We only have one party here the party of the rich. One just pretends to be on our side
2 months ago
Musk straight up admitted to lying about the viability of hyper-loop in order to kill California’s high-speed rail plans.
2 months ago
What exactly have democrats been doing to bring in high speed rail? I live in one of the most solid blue states and our transit has only been getting worse. Democrats always do nothing.
2 months ago
America has a GREAT rail system in place that can easily reach every major city. But it’s only used for freight.
The airline industry lobbies hard to prevent passenger rail. The oil industry lobbies extra hard to prevent it and keep you in cars.
Follow the money.
2 months ago
Why can’t we have CatBus, too?

We truly can’t have nice things
2 months ago
Because all (most) of the rail lines are privately owned, and the priority is to move freight, not people. Freight is much more profitable than passengers.
2 months ago
I can not imagine how much gas money I would’ve saved by now…
2 months ago
Are any dems trying to make this happen? Feels like theres 0 political will to do anything new 🙁
2 months ago
Googling “Koch brothers transportation projects” is a good place to start.
2 months ago
Keep voting against your own interests America. You will never learn
2 months ago
Yall remember when Elon lied about making one? And now vegas has a tunnel with tesla cars.
2 months ago
I rode a Maglav train in Shanghai and it was wild. It goes 268 mph.
2 months ago
It’s not just because of republicans (yes they did have a lot of neas in the bipartisan bill but I don’t think that’s the only factor) tbh but it is very political .
For one we have idiots who like to end their lives by jumping on the tracks and calling it quits ruining everyone else’s day. Another is from what I recall passenger railroad is supposed to get the one up on freight, however from what I’ve experienced it’s never the case.
New tracks would have to be built which would take years, and I’m very interested to see what Brightline does with their west coast line from LA -> LV which is really from Rancho Cucamounga area to LV. Railroading is such an interesting topic in America cause it is essentially one of the backbones of transportation in America but republicans want to rid of it. I want to elaborate more but I’m at work
Sauce: many years as a railroad worker and avid fan
2 months ago
The airplane lobbyists will lose their power. There should be no reason why don’t have high speed efficient trains that go from one coast to the other. Coal will lose even more relevance since these trains do not run on direct fossil fuels.
2 months ago
This is both true and not putting anywhere near enough blame on Dems.
1. Republicans LOVE cutting spending and privatizing everything. It’s ridiculous “welfare queen” bullshit
2. Dems love institutions for institutions sake. The lack of reform is corruption level. Good policy ran by bad neurotic processes kill innovation. See California rail. $100 BILLION dollars for a worthless project that has produced damn near nothing.
Democrats need to push for major reform
2 months ago
California has literally been trying to put in a rail system for almost a decade, but it’s almost like our infrastructure being built around cars for over a century kinda fucked us over and now we *can’t* have nice things.
Or we need to spend billions of dollars to do them, which means we don’t or we quarter ass them, at best.
2 months ago
I just don’t believe we as Americans can culturally make this happen, at this point. Frontier liberalism or libertarianism is economically impotent in the face of state-capitalism as seen in China, Japan, Taiwan, and the EU.
We gave all our money to corporations for consumer electronics instead of continuing to better our infrastructure for the people.
Our time in the sun has been over for decades.
2 months ago
The *actual* 47th president is known for his tacky ass car business. We’re not getting the automobile industry out of the limelight.
2 months ago
Ask President Elon. He’s the reason CA doesn’t have one yet. But at least they have a branded underground merry-go-round in Vegas!
2 months ago
President Obama tried to do this in Ohio and the Republican Governor declined the $100 Million grant. Smh
2 months ago
Because when the Democratic party talks about high speed rail Fox News tells MAGA that Demoncrats are going to outlaw planes.
Heaven forbid we have choices.
2 months ago
Forget high speed trains, we still have major cities that can’t get their shit together when it comes to decent public transportation. *cough* Atlanta *cough*
2 months ago
The transit system in many other countries make ours look like a joke.
2 months ago
Lol, the funny part is they don’t understand what conservative means. You can not be for a party that literally screams regression and rather not live in the future nor have any advancement and expect advancements.
If you want to move forward with progress, you vote liberal
If you want to go backward, you vote conservative.
Technology would be far more advanced if people voted correctly.
2 months ago
We could have good infrastructure but orange wants to downsize everything
2 months ago
We keep voting in Republicans who want to divert all government funds toward tax cuts for the rich and wonder why we don’t have advanced stuff that other countries have had for a while.
2 months ago
You wouldn’t get that with either party right now. Especially Republicans.
2 months ago
There’s many many not partisan reasons for this. First and foremost the places where this has worked have only 1 authority to deal with for the most part. because we have states, any states that want this need to all cooperate and if there’s 1 in the middle of the track that doesn’t want it, it halts the whole project. In order to get approval they need multiple bills across multiple states and give people the ability to vote on it.
Another issue is the terrain of the us. Getting anything out of California would require tunneling under mountains or going extremely far south to go around the Sierra nevadas. Anything out of New York would also require mass tunneling due to existing infrastructure and housing, again this requires voting and nobody wants a train running anywhere near their property.
And then of course there’s big oil, big motor, and all their constituents that profit off of the automobile industry and they have a whole lot of pull. We designed our cities based on cars instead of public transport.
This is not a democrat vs republican issue. Please stop picking sides and realize that we are all in this together. The real sides are us vs the elite if anything and keeping us divided across political lines keeps them in control. Stay woke, stay in conversation, normalize not hating your fellow man/woman for whatever politics they’ve been convinced of because we’ve all been fed 90% bs to form our political opinions. Find the truth.
2 months ago
Simply, trains suck. Airplanes simply just make sense. Society only needs to maintain the airport and the planes. Granted trains make more sense for shorter distances but… we got cars for that. I simply see no need for trains unless we’re all forced by the fascistic authoritarian eco loons to walk or cycle everywhere and to take longer train rides. And don’t tell me one can go from LA to NYC in 45min… all the local politics between the two points will say how do WE benefit by having to deal with such a loud train flying through our communities at all hours of the day and night. Plus what about the large metropolitans who also want in the action. So that 45min train ride will easily turn into a 5 day train ride. Plus trains are fixed. Planes are adaptable and can fly anywhere theirs a landing strip big enough for them. During covid planes were reused to fly vaccines, and medical gear to wherever it was needed. Trains have nodes thus slowing things down and in times of war. Nodes get bombed out thus shutting down the network while with planes any airfield is usable and theirs no network to fail.
2 months ago
Come check out our high speed rail in California!
Oh, wait…
2 months ago
Because our government run programs are run horribly. Take a look at the high speed rail project in California. Billions over budget and not even close to done
2 months ago
Look at California and their wasted money trying these
2 months ago
Smacks of communism
2 months ago
Because imminent domain is expensive and flies in the face of freedom.
2 months ago
We’ve advanced to jets
2 months ago
Because back in the day we allowed oil and tire to lobby against railways for cars, and big rail companies that own the railways prioritize what brings them money, and as a nation we didn’t put any effort to building additional railways for transport. So……rich oligarchs dictated the life we have now.
2 months ago
i blame misks hyperloop
2 months ago
To be fair China builds way too much High Speed Rail; It’s malinvestment. We could definitely use more of it though…
Automobile Industry lobby against this so you can keep buying cars.
Because we allowed rich people and big oil lobbyists convince us that we don’t need a decent railway and public transportation system. The rest of the industrialized world seems to get it though.
Follow the money, learn why. It’s greed. Greed is why.
Capitalism puts profit over people whether democratic or republican, they all commit to the destabilization of other countries, proxy wars, over exploitation, corporate privatization of human rights of healthcare, housing and food security.
Big Oil is the real answer.
Let’s not pretend Harris would’ve spearheaded high-speed rail when it Clinton, Obama, and Biden all had an opportunity but did nothing. Corporations and their lobbyists are the ones dictating policy via political puppets. They don’t want it, so we don’t get it. Same for universal healthcare. They want to keep us down, not lift us up.
If using the example like Florida, Fort Myers and Tampa all the old rich boomer in government said trains and public transit will invite rapists and pedophiles. “Yall want your kids and wives on trains with these people”. True shit in the Florida subreddit. But, yes they vote against it and they fear monger to get the masses to hop on to the trend.
Didn’t you guys pay an oligarch to make hyperspeed tunnels just for it to never happen?
I think it was called the boring company
Because Elon Musk convinced California that he’d build us a hyperloop instead, which turned out to be just a ploy to kill transportation options and sell more Deathlas.
If you have not ridden HSR in Europe or Asia, I highly recommend it. It’ll change your life and make you mad at the fact you have to drive EVERYWHERE in this godforsaken place.
We only have one party here the party of the rich. One just pretends to be on our side
Musk straight up admitted to lying about the viability of hyper-loop in order to kill California’s high-speed rail plans.
What exactly have democrats been doing to bring in high speed rail? I live in one of the most solid blue states and our transit has only been getting worse. Democrats always do nothing.
America has a GREAT rail system in place that can easily reach every major city. But it’s only used for freight.
The airline industry lobbies hard to prevent passenger rail. The oil industry lobbies extra hard to prevent it and keep you in cars.
Follow the money.
Why can’t we have CatBus, too?

We truly can’t have nice things
Because all (most) of the rail lines are privately owned, and the priority is to move freight, not people. Freight is much more profitable than passengers.
I can not imagine how much gas money I would’ve saved by now…
Are any dems trying to make this happen? Feels like theres 0 political will to do anything new 🙁
Googling “Koch brothers transportation projects” is a good place to start.
Keep voting against your own interests America. You will never learn
Yall remember when Elon lied about making one? And now vegas has a tunnel with tesla cars.
I rode a Maglav train in Shanghai and it was wild. It goes 268 mph.
It’s not just because of republicans (yes they did have a lot of neas in the bipartisan bill but I don’t think that’s the only factor) tbh but it is very political .
For one we have idiots who like to end their lives by jumping on the tracks and calling it quits ruining everyone else’s day. Another is from what I recall passenger railroad is supposed to get the one up on freight, however from what I’ve experienced it’s never the case.
New tracks would have to be built which would take years, and I’m very interested to see what Brightline does with their west coast line from LA -> LV which is really from Rancho Cucamounga area to LV. Railroading is such an interesting topic in America cause it is essentially one of the backbones of transportation in America but republicans want to rid of it. I want to elaborate more but I’m at work
Sauce: many years as a railroad worker and avid fan
The airplane lobbyists will lose their power. There should be no reason why don’t have high speed efficient trains that go from one coast to the other. Coal will lose even more relevance since these trains do not run on direct fossil fuels.
This is both true and not putting anywhere near enough blame on Dems.
1. Republicans LOVE cutting spending and privatizing everything. It’s ridiculous “welfare queen” bullshit
2. Dems love institutions for institutions sake. The lack of reform is corruption level. Good policy ran by bad neurotic processes kill innovation. See California rail. $100 BILLION dollars for a worthless project that has produced damn near nothing.
Democrats need to push for major reform
California has literally been trying to put in a rail system for almost a decade, but it’s almost like our infrastructure being built around cars for over a century kinda fucked us over and now we *can’t* have nice things.
Or we need to spend billions of dollars to do them, which means we don’t or we quarter ass them, at best.
I just don’t believe we as Americans can culturally make this happen, at this point. Frontier liberalism or libertarianism is economically impotent in the face of state-capitalism as seen in China, Japan, Taiwan, and the EU.
We gave all our money to corporations for consumer electronics instead of continuing to better our infrastructure for the people.
Our time in the sun has been over for decades.
The *actual* 47th president is known for his tacky ass car business. We’re not getting the automobile industry out of the limelight.
Ask President Elon. He’s the reason CA doesn’t have one yet. But at least they have a branded underground merry-go-round in Vegas!
President Obama tried to do this in Ohio and the Republican Governor declined the $100 Million grant. Smh
Because when the Democratic party talks about high speed rail Fox News tells MAGA that Demoncrats are going to outlaw planes.
Heaven forbid we have choices.
Forget high speed trains, we still have major cities that can’t get their shit together when it comes to decent public transportation. *cough* Atlanta *cough*
The transit system in many other countries make ours look like a joke.
Lol, the funny part is they don’t understand what conservative means. You can not be for a party that literally screams regression and rather not live in the future nor have any advancement and expect advancements.
If you want to move forward with progress, you vote liberal
If you want to go backward, you vote conservative.
Technology would be far more advanced if people voted correctly.
We could have good infrastructure but orange wants to downsize everything
We keep voting in Republicans who want to divert all government funds toward tax cuts for the rich and wonder why we don’t have advanced stuff that other countries have had for a while.
You wouldn’t get that with either party right now. Especially Republicans.
There’s many many not partisan reasons for this. First and foremost the places where this has worked have only 1 authority to deal with for the most part. because we have states, any states that want this need to all cooperate and if there’s 1 in the middle of the track that doesn’t want it, it halts the whole project. In order to get approval they need multiple bills across multiple states and give people the ability to vote on it.
Another issue is the terrain of the us. Getting anything out of California would require tunneling under mountains or going extremely far south to go around the Sierra nevadas. Anything out of New York would also require mass tunneling due to existing infrastructure and housing, again this requires voting and nobody wants a train running anywhere near their property.
And then of course there’s big oil, big motor, and all their constituents that profit off of the automobile industry and they have a whole lot of pull. We designed our cities based on cars instead of public transport.
This is not a democrat vs republican issue. Please stop picking sides and realize that we are all in this together. The real sides are us vs the elite if anything and keeping us divided across political lines keeps them in control. Stay woke, stay in conversation, normalize not hating your fellow man/woman for whatever politics they’ve been convinced of because we’ve all been fed 90% bs to form our political opinions. Find the truth.
Simply, trains suck. Airplanes simply just make sense. Society only needs to maintain the airport and the planes. Granted trains make more sense for shorter distances but… we got cars for that. I simply see no need for trains unless we’re all forced by the fascistic authoritarian eco loons to walk or cycle everywhere and to take longer train rides. And don’t tell me one can go from LA to NYC in 45min… all the local politics between the two points will say how do WE benefit by having to deal with such a loud train flying through our communities at all hours of the day and night. Plus what about the large metropolitans who also want in the action. So that 45min train ride will easily turn into a 5 day train ride. Plus trains are fixed. Planes are adaptable and can fly anywhere theirs a landing strip big enough for them. During covid planes were reused to fly vaccines, and medical gear to wherever it was needed. Trains have nodes thus slowing things down and in times of war. Nodes get bombed out thus shutting down the network while with planes any airfield is usable and theirs no network to fail.
Come check out our high speed rail in California!
Oh, wait…
Because our government run programs are run horribly. Take a look at the high speed rail project in California. Billions over budget and not even close to done
Look at California and their wasted money trying these
Smacks of communism
Because imminent domain is expensive and flies in the face of freedom.
We’ve advanced to jets
Because back in the day we allowed oil and tire to lobby against railways for cars, and big rail companies that own the railways prioritize what brings them money, and as a nation we didn’t put any effort to building additional railways for transport. So……rich oligarchs dictated the life we have now.
i blame misks hyperloop
To be fair China builds way too much High Speed Rail; It’s malinvestment. We could definitely use more of it though…