Before Spotify even existed Winamp Player was used for listening music.

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It really whips the llama’s ass

I still use it

Spent hours tinkering with the equaliser which made no difference to the tinny little speakers I had.


Nothing can change my mind


It really whips the llamas ass!

milkdrop on a big screen + winamp on hi-fi is GOAT, is there a modern replacement to use with spotify?

I’m 62 old, I still use it, don’t have Spotify, I do have 15k mp3’s on my hard drive though.

Actually a great player. Beats Spotify and all the modern ones.. just needed to collect mp3 files

Many hours were spent with the homies banging out bong loads and watching the visualizations while listening to mid-late 90 techno, trance, and house music.

A friend of mine still uses it haha

I still use it occasionally. Why waste the bandwidth if I already have the song.

Spotify doesn’t keep llamas in check tho. Uppity ungulates

I still use it. I do mis the radio function. Loved listening to different stations from different places.

I loved winamp

“Before Spotify” dude there’s people in their 20’s who have been alive before Spotify. It’s not that insane.

With a 1000 different skins

Edit: this Playlist suck asses

This brings back memories

I still use it, for all my music. And with the original vanilla skin – bluish metallic grey. The best.

EDIT: Attaching screenshot
comment image?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de7d62d8b58a0d47e20fe2c01adf37120a4da16

This just makes me feel old. Winamp isn’t old enough to be talked about like this.

The OG – Really Whips the llama’s ass. It still beats in my heart.

And it had mp3 -> wav capabilities for cd-r burning

It really whips the llamas ass

Winamp in 2025 gang 👍

This and foobar2000. Lightweight, and extensible if needed. Now I have a bloated app that can take up to a 1GB of ram. That’s my fault for falling to the music streaming service.

You have to admit. It really did whip the lamas ass. 💯


There was an ipod in between, somewhere.

Listening to music while playing Tetris. What a cool visual mashup.

Loved Winamp. RealPlayer tho.

atleast get a different screenshot

Everytime someone posts something about Winamp I’m obligated to post this link:

It really whips the llamas ass

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