Behold, a true genius!

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When is he going to realize that there is no spoon.

This guy is just painful. Worse than a teenager that is desperate to be cool

Wow Elon might be tarded

I remember when he did the lame “let that sink in” bit, and someone commented:

No matter how much money this doofus ever has, it’ll never buy him what he desperately wants…

A sense of humor.

Stable genius.

Also paints murals with excrement.

I did this when I was 9 lmao

The people around him must hate their lives.

Such a special boy! 🥰

Awwwww look at his saggy wittle fwace

This is why he needs billions of $ for women to even look in his direction

Looks better than the cyber truck

You’re doing great sweetie.

This is the missing piece that will save Starship from blowing up

True genius at work.
Solving the country’s problems, one fork at a time.

What’s more disturbing? He thinks this is amazing or everyone else in the room seems to as well.

I hate this timeline, can we try again about 20 years ago?

Wow, Elon really lives rent free in the minds of Redditors. Every time he sticks his tongue out there’s a Reddit post going viral about it.

Even though it’s fake, I could easily picture the guy doing something like that.

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