Bernie asking the right questions!!!

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Bernie always asked the right questions. America doesn’t deserve him. If he was Canadian probably he would have been PM of Canada by now.

Actual conversation last week. Mom) The government shouldn’t be in healthcare. I don’t want them in MY healthcare. Me) Aren’t you on Medicare? Who do you think is in charge of Medicare?

I don’t get how Bernie hasn’t given up in frustration yet.

The president that would have been best… while the worst possible was elected… not many countries like to torture themselfs.

Why? Simple, elon doesn’t want to pay top salary for those workers. He was raised around slavery and that’s all he knows. Why pay when you don’t have too. Just treat them like I did back at home (South Africa) I’ll get richer – elons way of thinking.

Soon enough he’ll do that to all his companies.

I don’t necessarily agree with Bernie on all of his views, but I honestly feel like he is a genuinely good person that cares about the state of the country and making sure everyone is taken care of, and I would take that any day over the current garbage we have

America doesn’t deserve Bernie.

I was laid off and the company hired three people in my place. Two in Brazil, one in Jamaica. Still can’t find a job with 28 years experience

“B-b-b-but GREENLAND!!!”

That this man lost to Clinton will never stop baffling me.

It’s about controlling workers. Make us afraid they can replace us with low-income H1B recipients so that we “graciously” take whatever shit pay they offer us.

Make the H1B workers take whatever shit pay they offer or risk being deported when the boss terminates their employment.

Corporations love small government because it allows them to “govern” themselves by making up or discarding whatever rules they want.

There’s no shortage of skilled workers. There’s just a shortage of skilled workers that Elon Musk can underpay and treat like slaves.

Those Musks really know how to run a diamond mine.

This is all about hording intellectual resources (aka smart people) simply so other countries can’t have them while also driving down the cost of what it takes to pay them or an American because of excess competition now. I remember in grade school 35 years ago they, at least at that time, proudly talked about how our country ended the Robber Barrons and monopiles of the turn of the 20th century. Doomed to learn your history and keep making the same mistakes as the past.

whats happening in usa right now is back to feudalism, they dont want that you are smart,dont even try it and even when you make it as a soft dev,well then we have mr.Rajagopalachari its his name and his unhackable password at once


Honestly, Bernie would have made an amazing. Too bad the US isn’t ready for someone who actually cares about the people

It seems to me he’s the most sane politician in the US, why didn’t he run for president?

Just imagine when the Teslas start driving on the left side of the road…


That is why

This isn’t really a “gotcha”, though. Musk has been pretty clear about this. He believes the American workers couldn’t do the job and that only foreign workers have the needed skills. The question he should be asking is “Why doesn’t Musk invest in educating and training Americans instead of importing labor?”

The mega rich are ghouls. No humanity, just greed for more.. more.. more.. no matter the affects on the other 99%.

Well, we know why. Because they’re cheap labor. They work them ridiculous hours and pay them shit.

Tesla fired them, from what I understand, because there was word floating around about someone thinking about starting a union.

Is Fox News actually agreeing with Bernie?

Fair question.

Dear Bernie. 

I’m sorry I didn’t vote for you back when you ran. 

Bernie used to call open borders a “Koch brothers scheme”. He stopped saying that around 2016 but you can tell he still believes it. Immigration is neither good or bad, but it has economic consequences. There’s a reason none of the megacorps are lobbying for border control.

Greed. The answer is always bottom line: Greed.

I find it interesting how much faux news adores bernie.

Never buy a tesla. 

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