Bernie finally weighs in on H1B visas.

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I work in tech and am one of the very few US citizens in the teams I have been a part of (it’s around 10%). I want to make it clear I have nothing against the H1B people, but the system itself. The way it is used now, reading between the lines, is to reduce leverage from employees. To make sure there is enough supply and everyone is replaceable, and to find people who are more willing to put in 60 hours. Most of these CEOs really hate the fact that they have to pay engineers 200k+. I remember when Elon fired half of Twitter, CEOs were looking on with awe, while the rest of us were looked on in horror and disgust.

Smart and honest man says smart and honest thing. More news at 11.

billionaires can also be harmed through boycotting, there are enough people in U.S. who hate Elon Musk, it can happen

I work in IT, they post jobs for crap wages so they can say “look, no one wants the job, we need an H1B”. Then they get to pay them less as well.

For people who are not aware, H1B visas are a sponsorship for work. My fiancé, a foreign national is working in the USA under a H1B visa and the workplaces are extremely exploitative because they CAN LEGALLY DO IT. For example, my fiance only gets off 3 holidays a year. It seems like a joke, but it’s not.

talk about your pay rate, especially when newbies come in

Look at what happened in Canada we lost all of our jobs to low skilled underpaid workers being shipped in to be exploited. They serve three purposes enrich the owner class, suppress wages for the locals and keep us plebs occupied with thinking the immigrant stole our jobs….remember its a class war they want us to all fight with each other while they steal everything, unity goes along way in stopping this kind of shit from happening.

OUR BEST PRESIDENT WE NEVER HAD <3 he would have won if the DNC didn’t shaft him. I voted for him in Michigan in 2016 primaries… still remember their surprise pikachu face that his message resonated with Americans, blue and white collar. but… our political, corporate, elite class made their beds. I worry what will come next.

I think all these cheap labour and massive profits for mega corporations is the root cause of inflation.

We should make H-1B an auction to ensure it is about “the best and brightest.” So, let’s say we have 2,000 H-1B visas. We should give the visas to those vetted with the 2,000 highest-paying jobs to minimize the impact on the middle and lower-tier jobs.

Just make it a lot more expensive to hire h1b than local citizens and they won’t go that route unless absolutely necessary. I doubt that will happen though.

Would love to see Bernie introduce a bill to end this program.

President Musk isn’t wrong, he was just straight up lying…that’s different.
He purposely said incorrect information trick simple-minded MAGA followers because they won’t question him.

Call it what it is, it’s a scab visa.

No More Scab Visas

Is that true though? I thought that H-1B visa holders are particularly well payed.

H1B visas have helped the US maintain its foothold as a powerhouse in many fields. They are not a bad thing on their own. It’s simple numbers as you have a larger pool of talent.

However, the problem is when they are used to drive down wages, which is exactly what Elon wants and will likely get. If H1B visa workers were paid a fair wage, suddenly Elon wouldn’t care so much about them.

This is true, but Americans are afraid its called sosialism.

There should be a tax incentive to hire american and it should be illegal to pay an immigrant less than an american. Give them an equal opportunity to want to become an american if theyre so smart and hard working.

The whole H-1B visa system needs to be completely changed, these people shouldn’t have their legal status put in the hands of billionaires who are looking to abuse their power

Elon Musk is not wrong, don’t you claim he is. He’s lying. There’s a difference. Being wrong would require him to believe what he’s saying.

also h1b workers visa depends on the employment so they can be exploited and threatened cause if they don’t comply they can get fired and visa ends thus the big money compared to wherever the worker comes from is gone

It saddens me it took so long for this obviously a side of the system to be called out as the reason, media is obviously trash but unless I’m just blind it felt like it took awhile to go from “haha who’s DEI now” and “Our dads aren’t fighting” for this to get some ground


Oh man, now Bernie’s a racist too?

Zamn, I did not have Bernie Sanders quoting nativist talking points on my 2025 bingo.

Bernie is my spirit animal

You can tell from these comments which people have little experience working with the full spectrum of H1Bs.

Our universities already produce enough engineers for every American company, there’s no need for any H1B programs what so ever.

Endgame capitalism is here!

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