Bernie Sanders and a black woman hold hands during the 1963 Willis Wagon protest

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I truly appreciate him he has stayed consistent in his beliefs for so long. You don’t see that much anymore.

This man has always been on the right side of history, It’s beyond me why America chooses an imbecile like Donald trump over a Patriot like Bernie Sanders.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before. Bernie truly has always been about that life

Edit: While Bernie was at this protest and arrested there, this photo is not of him.

I can’t help but think of the alternate future we’d be in if we got Bernie as the Democratic candidate and he won

we’re for sure in the darkest timeline 😐

He was in this protest, but that is not him.

Close one eye …

I see Seth Rogan

Meanwhile Fred Trump was denying black people apartments to the point that Woody Guthrie wrote a song about it. I’m exhausted with this timeline.

What a crazy path he’s had

He is a great figure, but this is not a photo of Bernie Sanders.

Any evidence to back up the claim that this is actually Bernie Sanders?

Why the hell this man wasn’t elected president is ludicrous to me.

Not the Bern.

He was always legit

Bernie might be, without hyperbole, the most based politician of the last century at least.

This dude has stood on business for his entire life.

We screwed up not electing this man

Too bad the Democratic Party screwed Bernie over.

I wish he ran instead of Clinton in 2016

A big “thanks a lot” to the DNC leadership who keep Sanders down, just to prop up themselves financially. You know who you are!

Why won’t you Americans vote in Bernie Sanders already.

Here we go again with this damn picture during Black History Month. Every damn year. People posting this photo of NOT BERNIE SANDERS making this moment about him but they never know the name of THE BLACK WOMAN. Can yall wait one damn month? 😠

great, now they’re adding woke DEI politics to old photographs 😡😡😡

He’s been fighting the good fight for a long time.

Gordon Quinn made a ~31 min documentary about the event, more info here: [](

Does she have a name, or just Bernie? 

Thanks, DNC for robbing us of this man being president.

Op is karma farming. This pic has been posted multiple times today and confirmed IS NOT BERNIE SANDERS. Bernie was at this protest but this is not him.

Why is this showing up when i just read an article about him being arrested during this? Like literally read it an hour ago for a course discussion

Neither here nor there, I always forget how tall he is.

Love Bernie.

He’s just always been cool I guess

Bernie should have been POTUS twice now but nope!

america must exploit even their own, that comes first

I can’t understand why he is not president. We are in the wrong dam timeline.

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