Best cold open in cinema history?

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The farm scene in Inglorious Basterds (2009)

Nightcrawler White House attack

Children of Men, best ever. So much shown and communicated in such a short time. Really draws you in

Steve Martin saying “I was born a poor black child.”

The start of Up is fantastic

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster

Scream (1996)


The opening scene of Heat.

i love you honey bunny!!!

if any of you pricks move, Iโ€™m gonna execute Every motherfucking one of youโ€ฆ

Blade. The Blood Bath scene.


28 weeks later

Raiders of the lost arc

“Drive” in which it is established that Ryan Gosling’s character is good at driving.

Star Wars – The opening crawl and that spaceship chase with the star destroyer crawling across the screen. Scifi and movie effects would never be the same again.

The Matrix – Trinity fight cops, escapes from the agents. Again, scifi and movie effects would never be the same again.

Super troopers is close.

Once Upon A Time In The West. A couple of guys waiting at a train stop to kill the guy getting off the train. They just wait, the tension builds, the train comes.ย 

Casino Royale

Ghost Ship

I know JJ Abrams Star Trek gets a lot of criticism, but I thought it had a great cold open.


TIL most people don’t know what “cold open” means.

Die Hard With a Vengeance.

โ€œI believe in Americaโ€

*Jaws* (1975)

Raising Arizona

Ghostbusters – The librarian!

โ€œThere will be bloodโ€. Its so slow and intense

Baby Driver

Inglorious basterds was always my favorite, waltz was just so evil!

the matrix? what is cold open? does matrix count as a cold open? also lord of the rings? chills

Iโ€™m going to go against the grain and say Up. That first 12-15 is a master class of storytelling all while evoking so much emotion.

Lion King

Sunrise with the chanting into Circle of Life

Inglorious Bastards.

Goonies is my favorite. This is pretty badass too

The Dark Knight is just *Heat* with Batman.

The Matrix

The funny thing about this intro is that when you analyze exactly what needs to take place for the Jokers plan to work, itโ€™s pretty dumb.

Tropic Thunder

Pulp Fiction. โ€œTell that bitch to be coolโ€


Lord of war. Following the bullet

28 Weeks Later

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