Best method I recommend 10/10 works

By Stroov
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Im sure if you don’t put your finger in too deep, you can pull this off 20-30 times.

How is this TTT?

Did someone forget about their toes?

i think it’s probably closer to 9. the 10th time is going to be pretty fluffing difficult

11 if you’re male.

How will you hold the knife after one hand is completely out of options?

I know at least one person that would be without a finger.

9/10 would try again

Do this and… well… there’ll be no point.

Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in bagel.


11 if you are brave enough

Where are the pixels William.

There is another

Emphasis on the “hack”

No way you could saw through with a serrated knife (shown) and keep it steady.
Change the picture to a good meat cleaver and i’ll buy it’s technically true, but i struggle with the voracity of this post.

Yeah, 10/10; 9/10; 8/10…..

It’s closer to 35 times. Each finger 3 times, big toes 1 time, the uhh maybe 2 or 3 times. The remaining toes are too tricky to pull of

How do you hold the bagel and the knife with only 1 finger tho ?

20 times actually, but the last 10 for really short bagels

That Ted stuff isn’t strawberry jam.😂

Works 11 times for me

Dick stuck in bagel really brave.

You can repeat this as often as you like, if you just rotate the bagel

100% worked, 100% you’re using your foot to eat now.

What happened on the 11th time

My dad did it 11 times…I’m an only child.

Realistically 15: one hand and both feet, how are you going to hold the knife?

21 times actually

Instructions unclear….

After so many how are you going to hold the damn knife..

Not if you are born with a disability or if I come to your house when you are asleep and politely chew of your fingers in a sexual way

I feel like 10 times is a bit optimistic, how you gonna hold the knife on the 8th attempt?

Works ten times out of ten

Works 28 times

Use your dick so that your hands can both be used to stabilize the bagel

Well, 5 times only. Possibly 6 or 7 if you can grip things well with just 3 fingers.

Unless you’re from the south, where you and uncle dad can use all 22 digits.

I did this!  I was 8 or 9. Still have the scar a couple decades later. 


how you gonna hold the knife with five fingers missing from your first hand?

Quick! Someone use deep fake to show trump encouraging MAGA to use this technique.

It only worked five times before I struggled to hold the knife. :/

I knew an ER nurse who said that on Sunday mornings there was a spike in bagel related injuries.

Mkay but who’s holding the knife on the last 5?

I can count on all my fingers the number of times this method worked out well for me

Use carrot instead

You’re forgetting finger 11.

This only works if you’re a magician.

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