Better Man (2024) is a biopic about Robbie Williams. This is in reference to the fact a shockingly high amount of Americans don’t know who he is.

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Wait, there was a celebrity in the UK who’s a monkey man!?!?
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I only know him from a weird music video where he strips his skin off and becomes a skeleton

Of course Americans know Rob Williams. Who could forget such amazing performances in films like Good Will Hunting, Jumanji, and Mrs. Doubtfire?

I love all the hubbub about how famous he is in the UK and in Australia, meanwhile the movie *still* isn’t doing well in those countries lol

Why was the budget so massive? Bohemian Rhapsody was like 50 Mil and Rocketman was like 40 mil and those are bands with much larger fan bases. What’s the point of the Chimp gimmick other than to balloon the budget or confuse audience goers that this is some meta movie about the intelligent chimp actors who played the characters in the Planet of the Apes films.

As an American I can confidently say that I had never heard about this guy until this movie was advertised to me, truly they could have just saved the money on marketing in the US because nobody here knows who he is

My first reactions to hearing about this movie were, in order:
1) they made a monkey movie about Robin Williams, wtf?
2) oh, no. I guess they made up a singer guy to make a movie about
3) oh he’s real, must be some niche indie thing

|Budget|[^([3])]($110 million |
|Box office|[^([4])]($2.9 million |

I guess the Brits don’t know who he is either

He can talk

He can talk

He can talk


It is wild that he’s so big there and such a nothing here. Like, literally. I only know who he is because I read celebrity gossip & he seemed a bit messy.

I could ask 100 people at a mall here in America & I might get 2, “he sounds familiar” and that’s it.

yeah i have no idea who robbie williams is, he appears to be a cgi monkey from this post

i only know who he is because brits keep telling me this monkey is actually a man with a name

I’m always fascinated by the bands that are huge on one side of the pond and virtually unknown on the other. I’m a huge Manic Street Preachers fan and they barely made a blip here in America.

Pretty sure I would have heard of a guy that’s a monkey.

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Rocketman cost less than half this did with someone actually famous. Who the fuck thought budgeting 110 million was a good idea?!

You would think a singing Monkey would be more well known throughout the world.

My mum went to see this as it was raining. She doesn’t like Robbie Williams. She didn’t like Mufasa and walked out and thought Wicked went downhill when the wizard turned up.

She liked this movie

I really thought I missed something. Like me specifically. Had never heard of the guy. And I’m old (40s). I’m glad to see I’m not the only one.

It takes place in an alternate reality, where Robbie Williams is worth making a biopic about.

TIL that this movie isn’t about Robin Williams

Didn’t he die like 10 years ago? Mrs Doubtfire?

Turns out, I still don’t know who that is because they’re in the movie as a monkey. Unless you bring me to a zoo, I ain’t picking them out of a line-up.

Why is it about a monkey

I only know he is because of the Carlos Santana song Smooth.

Turns out. Little monkey fella

Based on how hard this thing is bombing rn it seems like the Brits in these comments sections banging on about “No trust me he’s a *huge* star and actually *you’re* weird for never having heard of him” are literally the only people who are watching this thing lol.

Will his failure to become popular in America be in the film?

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