Better re-educate yourself

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Trump thinks you need to show ID to buy groceries, he has zero clue what he’s talking about.

Because if you listen to him or read his blasts, he actually runs on a 6th or 7th grade level. And he sits in the back of the class.

Who taught this idiot about tariffs? Nobody. He sees them as exactly what they are, a revenge tax. He thinks by making foreign products more expensive that we will then turn to the US version. Problem is there is no US version.

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It makes this even funnier.

Stupidest person ever to win the presidency which says soooo much about most of his voters.

How this man is so incredibly stupid still surprises me. He really thinks China is paying the extra 10% when Billy Bob imports his shipment of MAGA hats.

It’s just so pathetic. He’s lying like a child with a mouth covered in cookie crumbs. He knows it’s a lie, we know it’s a lie. Top ranking officials in the military are parroting the lie to keep their jobs—just ass-out pretending Russia didn’t invade Ukraine.

That’s a big deal. Everybody in the world notices when we’ve got top brass saying up is down to please the king. The market is just beginning to react to the unprecedented weakness of American democracy in this moment.

I just can’t fathom why an adult who goes to work and pays bills would participate in this farce. If YOU started lying like a child at work, you would get fired. And this man serves you! The president works for you! You aren’t supposed to debase your adult self by defending absurd lies! Why??

The truth is that most of the 77 million nasty cunts who voted for him are already begging for adult governance. Because that’s all this was. Babies throwing a fit about how it feels like the world might not revolve around their whiteness anymore, and non-whites thinking that if they cheer loud enough they can band-wagon their way out of being othered.

Get fucked. I’ll be reminding every boot licking loser who voted for him that they’re pathetic fucking rubes for the rest of my life, and so will the history books.

Might as well tattoo that clown makeup on your face, because I’ll sniff you out and shit down your throat when we’re in the nursing home together. Be tripping you and taking your pudding and doing whatever I can to pay you back for being Traitor Trash. Trump voters will be my Argentinian Nazis in the home. Tell your daughter you were jacking off again and get you put on off-label anti-psychotics.

I’m beginning to believe he may literally be this stupid! Maybe he’s not just a narcissistic pathological liar. Maybe he reads and researchs at a third grade level. Certainly, most Republicans do!

OP would you please link to the original tweet? I can’t seem to find it.

Edit: Nvm, [found it](

The term useful idiot comes to mind. He gives putin a perma grin.

He doesn’t listen. He actually believes he knows better than the most experienced economists minds.

His narcissistic personality makes him believes he knows everything about tariffs and won’t let it go.

We are so screwed lol

Right, so any retalitory tariffs on trumps tariffs will be paid by the American government so….

…….gawd he’s stupid

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He knows that. He repeats a lie over and over again and eventually people will just go with it.

What an absolute dolt.

Not only is there currently no US version on many things, there is not the raw material on our slice of the continent for some of the imports. MAGAs think someone will just start production here without realizing production is literally impossible without importing the raw material at very least.

I would really like to know if he truly believes that or if it’s just to appease the rubes.


he’s just not that bright

Trump knows how tariffs work, he also knows that there’s enough ignorant Americans to believe his stupid lie.

What’s both hilarious and sad about this is DenisonBarb believes 8th graders in America are actively learning about the economy when most of them can’t read past a 5th grade level 🤦‍♂️

“Oh, that’s a write off”

That’s part of the indoctrination happening all across America with our young ones. You can’t trust what you learn in school anymore. Everyone on Fox News knows that tariffs are good for the country.


This is what happens when you live in a Deliverance country, and vote the epitome of a Deliverance man into office. And before anyone says anything about that movie being about the south, I’m Canadian, your whole country is the deep south.

It’s time for us to Annex the US, it’s just make for a better world. Just wait until you can go to a doctor and not worry about paying a bill, or the inbreeder nonsense coming from

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