Beware of any breakthrough you make in Biology

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Don’t show this to Curie or those Manhattan Project folks.

Don’t look at the environmental biology research to address pollution or the medical/~~pharmacological~~ pharmaceutical advances or biofuels or genetically engineered microbes to produce useful industrial chemicals or…

If anything, discoveries in physics and chemistry can be just as deadly, if not even quicker. I mean nuclear bombs, deadly chemicals, nerve agents, all scary deadly stuff. At least for biology, we can adapt.

Oopsie, just created a virus that can kill half of humanity’s population in half a month.


How pharma looks at the cool new intervention you just made for a widespread disease that’s a tenth of the cost and five times as effective as the current leading intervention

I dunno I don’t think Marie curie had a great time with her physics discoveries either

I mean hey—atleast you discovered something! 😭

no one gonna talk about marie curie?

We are still discovering new species and I doubt that’s the reaction when it happens.

Students way back then:

Dude 1: Hey lets disect dead people for their nerve system, maybe we get a good grades or win a prize.

Dude 2: say no more bro, lets go!!!

staring down the microscope like ”ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension!”

How quickly we forgot the bat woman of Wuhan

It’s not like nuclear bomb was invented by a biologist. But a good virus seems way more cheap to produce!

[Relevant xkcd](

This will be on the r/explain the joke subs tomorrow.

…what? New discoveries in biology are like, you found a stupid looking frog and named it bilbo Bagginsii

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You say that until you realize that intermediate the chemist was synthesizing was actually volatile and cancerous and y’all been in the lab like nothing for 1 year inhaling “PRO-CANCER FUMES”🙃.

Yeah,last time one guy discover something new in physics,some Japanese people got melted

Breakthroughs or discoveries in biology are too be expected, they’re regular.

Physics? It’s either we built a nuclear bomb or we just discovered that we were always wrong about everything.

In Physics and Chemistry, it’s all about the recognition. In Biology… it’s all about survival.

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Honestly the second image also applies to chemistry. Oops I just synthesized a catalyst that can make this extremely dangerous but highly unlikely reaction occur.


we gotta be booted to to get there

Wait till some experiment in a particle collider create a mini black hole. And some [discoveries]( could be harmless either way.

Creating would be more fitting.

Because we human has only documented a fraction of the biodiversity, biologists discover new things as often as them eating lunch.

Tell that to the guy who experimented with the Demon Core…

Let’s not mention Fritz Haber, Oppenheimer or Einstein.

A new breakthrough— a new breakout

Original creator is Centurii-Chan

Ah yes, all the fantastic helpful achievements like the atomic bomb


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