Bible vs. Idol

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Hey Trump supporters don’t need things like facts and actual intent of the religion to be thrown in their face!

Wait, that picture is real??

This feels so intentionally blasphemous that I just kind of assumed it was parody. Christ.

Literally waiting for Moses to come back and smite it. Or else, a lightning flash to destroy it.

They gonna get us flooded arent they?

They wouldn’t know. None of those cunts have read a single page of their precious Bible

Do they not see the irony of it being a goat? Isn’t Satan usually pictured as being goat-like?

Trump is the antichrist. All his followers can go to hell with Trump

Imagine what things would be like if Trump wasn’t so modest and humble…

This looks like something you’d see on South Park. jesus christ

We need a Moses to come down here and knock golden boy down a few pegs

They know they are evil , the difference is , they think everyone is.

Christians don’t read the Bible. They have PriestGPT give them the explain like I’m five version in little bits once a week. They can’t be expected to read anything.

Honestly if they started dancing naked around it I wouldn’t be surprised.

If Trump Bible thumpers could read, they would be very upset right now.

Ill be that guy. Now imagine if a democrat did this shi

The blasphemy is one thing, but man this is so freaking ugly. Money can’t buy you style.

Remember the gold Trump statue?

That’s how we lost commandments 11-15.

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

*2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ESV*

If it’s not EXACTLY on the nose, Christian Nationalists won’t even blink. Even then, they’ll make an excuse.

A little on the nose

Holy Cow! Look at that Idol! 😳

It was a calf! Not a goat! Nothing even similar!


Don’t forget they made a literal golden idol of Trump too.

Trump is their god. It’s insanity.

Isnt the devil usually depicted with a goat head and hooves.

This won’t bother trumpers, they never followed the Bible in the first place…

You just know if Obama did this Republicans would lose their minds and we’d never hear the end of him being a satanist.

OH so when the gays do literally anything its subliminal satanism or whatever, but they can just outright pull shit like this and its fine?

Oh, so its a cult

They are all CHINOs.  Christian in Name Only. 

Mocking God I see, we know how this ends. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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