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“It’s me, the real Joe Biden. Work on my farm or I will deport you. That is me, yes sir I’m Joe Biden.”

This needs to be a reality show. A reality show pushing a reality that is dumber than the dumbest episode of Green Acres.

Better call saul

So, the only time the government holds the employers of undocumented workers responsible is when he pretends to be Biden?

“Texas farmer has slaves.”

that’s a lot of words for “enslaved Mexicans”

We can all laugh, but this is their plan for now. I guess until their “final solution”

Cant fool us, we know that’s the real Biden!

Pardon inbound.

Someone in my area had been using fake W-whatever forms for a whole crew of undocumented workers and pocketing what they took out as “taxes” for like 15 or 25 years and got caught, went to jail.

Yes go to Texas 1st and take their buddies away and get the governor to give up his

george bidet

Oh, so all white people look the same to these people huh?

“Honey, we have a Joe Biden at home…”

It’s called slavery


How do we know that it wasn’t actually Joe Biden?

Fake news.

Trump pardon when?

This is neither funny nor true.

Its funny but fake

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