Biden pardons Hunter, I feel the MAGA puckering from here…

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Trump pardoned his son in law’s Dad. Trump pardoned Bannon, Roger Stone and Mannafort. Trump probably pardoned himself.

Nah not against pardons just more of a I told you so kind of situation as Biden said he wouldn’t do it previously.

As a father it makes sense to protect his kid.

DOJ never prosecutes hunter for that shit if he wasn’t the presidents son. No fucking chance.

It was an actual witch hunt.

Eh they will use this to excuse however many pardons Trump gives. If he pardons every single Jan 6th traitor and his other stooges? His followers will point to this and say it excuses it. Like wise to the “independents” that go bOtH sIdEs. 

I’ll remember this outrage when Trump pardons Jan 6th insurrectionists

Trump pardoned a coke dealing cop killer who went straight home from jail and strangled his wife. I’m not joking.


Pardoning your own kid seems like a conflict of interest. No matter which side is doing it.

And I thought Joe wasn’t going to pardon his son?

Don’t worry, I’m sure the attitudes won’t change at all when Trump pardons the January 6 insurrectionist

Not American but are you guys gonna get cool Hugo Boss leather trench coats and titles like “Obergruppenführer” now?

Biden’s statement in support of this pardon was excellent and frankly incontestable.

Compare Biden’s statement to anything that Trump has ever produced, and you’ll see that MAGA really are, objectively, the bad guys in American’s current story.

Pretty much everyone is against them.

Yes, Whataboutism based on strawman attacks, that will really show them!

Nahh I think they’re against people being very vocal about trump parsons then being fine with this pardon 

He needs to pardon all January 6th losers with some massive speech about being the greatest support of injustice and just steal all trumps thunder before he does it anyway.

“Reeeee your side is liars….REEEEEE”

No they aren’t. They are just pointing out that Biden repeatedly said he wouldn’t then did it anyway, which is fair.

Honestly, Biden pardoning Hunter only helps them defend their future pardons they already planned. They’re happy to be able to point out hypocrisy

I love the gymnastics to make this seem okay. Trumps a POS but let’s not call Biden a good dad because he pardoned his law breaking son.

It’s copium to see dems defend corruption by saying “but Trump did it first!”

You’re either the party that is moral, or you’re not. I guess not in this case.

As if crime is something they’re really concerned about.

Oh no they are not. They are going to have to print them like prescription pads.

Republicans don’t care because we already knew he was going to do it. We’re just gonna ride him like the lying sanctimonious donkey he is. We can’t say too much because my guess is all the Jan 6th crowd and many others will soon be free.

Now do Mumia.

Well we know how republican courts love to make shit up to keep their politicians out of jail so im sure they would find some bullshit ruling to put hunter away for the rest of his life.

Hunter has never been a government employee.

This is a smart move by Biden to cut the legs out from under trumps justice department

It’s not that he did it’s that he lectured us during the election that he wouldn’t do it because he believed in the law… then he did it 😆

Republican here. No I’m not I’m just eating popcorn.

And now the democrats can’t say anything when trump pardons himself and others. This is corruption wake up America.

I don’t understand the purpose of this sub. Is it to just stir the pot? Toxic for toxics sake?

And Just like that Democrats are for pardons.

No, we’re not against pardons at all. But you liberals are full of shit. You think your party is the party of morals and ethics. Yet here you have it, the most corrupt White House family in the history of America doing exactly what it said it wouldn’t do.

I was not in favor of pardoning Jan 6 people, but I hope on day one, Trump pardons them ALL to give a middle finger to you all.

Just another rich guy getting away with breaking the law because his dad is a eich politician.

And just like that

Dems are okay with pardons

And just like that. Liberals are hypocritical and now in favour of them

And just like that reddit is for pardons.

All of you are just like the MAGA cult.

Haven’t see many MAGA actually mad about this. Now they get to do the same without any backlash.

🤦 Democrats a month ago were talking about how fair Biden is for not pardoning his own son. And now y’all defend it? hypocrites.

And no, I’m not a Trump supporter. Trump is probably going to use this to pardon January 6 protestors.

He probably did it to throw in their faces!

Conservative media, (you know, CNN, NYT, Wall Street Journal) will cite this pardon as the reason why Trump can pardon himself for his felonies.

Now I think it’s a real possibility that Trump pardons EVERYONE convicted on Jan. 6-related charges, even though he doesn’t give a shit about a single one of them. If nothing else, just as one more “Fuck You!” to Biden.

All it does is prove the point. It’s not an actual win

They’re against them until Trump is doing them, then it’s suddenly okay.

Of course he was gong to do it.

Haha crime is good when we do it, repubs are so dumb… they dont like pardons like we do sometimes. lol owned 111111 congrats winners!

“for those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 1, 2024.”

That’s a lot of crimes!

To those who are mad about Biden pardoning Hunter. You should look into 2016-2020, some wild shit in there, and judging by how upset you are about Hunter being pardoned, this’ll shock you. I got a small one for you.

Charles Kushner, pled guilty to tax evasion, Trump pardoned him despite Kushner pleading guilty, and now wants to appoint him as the ambassador of France 😂.

I’m sure you all care greatly about that corruption.

But… but… Hunter’s Penis… Didn’t you guys see Hunter’s Penis? Guys, i swear to god, Hunter’s Penis is going to finally take down the Biden Administration. Look, look… it’s Hunter’s Penis, i get the feeling you’re not really looking. Hunter’s Penis guys, come on! This is a big deal, we need to look at Hunter’s Penis.

They don’t care. At all. Why would they? It’s not like Hunter was ever important. He was just the vehicle they had available to attack Biden with. He’s served that purpose already. I’d be shocked if half of the GOP Congress remembered his name at this point.

The spotlight on Hunter was political anyway. Trump even plans on pardoning on mass jan 6 traitors. F-k em.

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