Biden Sparks Curiosity…

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Almost as clever as the British googling Brexit the day after voting for it

The majority of Americans read at 6th grade level.or lower according to a recent report.

How many 6th graders know what oligarchy means?

The greatest trick the oligarchy ever pulled was convincing the world it didn’t exist. They counted on their voters not knowing what the word oligarchy even meant. Mission accomplished.

Well, there is a reason why Trump said he loves the uneducated, right to their face. But, you know Hilary used the word “deplorable”, Biden called someone “trash”, and they weren’t sure whether to hate Kamala because she was Indian or because she was “newly” black or because she was a woman. You know the Left, with their elitist, educated views. 

Well, at least we’ll get lower egg prices, lower gas prices, all the “immigrants” sent back to where they belong, and President Elon will save us $2 Trillion by cutting government programs. Oh, wait! None of that is going to happen!? This was all to keep Trump and his cronies out of prison, and to further line their pockets. Who could have seen that coming!? 

Probably also the last one. So there’s that

Well, the US has been a Plutocracy, pretty much, since they climbed out of the Great Depression. Was only a matter of time until it was an Oligarchy. You could argue it was already an Oligarchy for some time with the likes of the Kochs etc. Folk like Elon just make it more obvious so people are waking up to it.

You could also argue that Trump and Musk are just writing their own satirical version of Black Mirror and intentionally being over the top to prove that the government is a particular way. A sort of mass PSA. But, I doubt, even between them, they’d have that level of intellect to pull it off.

Technically the US is and HAS been for most of its history a Plutocracy. Oligarchy just means rule by a few or a ruling class I suppose. PLUTOCRACY is rule by the wealthy which is literally what’s happening in the US right now.

Notice how they still try to obfuscate the truth?

Right next to breixt! I swear people would Google ‘what are the chances of surviving driving over a cliff’ while almost at the bottom…

Bernie is pulling off the remaining hair he’s got.

Think again. Nobody that voted for Trump was watching Bidens farewell address. So who was doing all that googling?

People are saying some both sides bullshit in the comments, but the Dems ran two working class people that actually worked for a living. They were rejected in favor of a corporate monarchy.

Oligarchy works as a description but also plutocracy or kakistocracy would also be applicable.

Oh, didn’t they get the spike in searches for tariffs immediately AFTER the elections, and the following spike in “can I change my vote”?

Morons are so fucking misogynistic that they’d rather vote for a known convicted felon and proven useless man then a woman who’s, by all accounts, capable to do the job.

democracy dies when ignorance votes

That’s because they’ve been told by MAGA that Russia is awesome and never explained how the oligarchy has destroyed Russia.

I’m pretty sure most Trump voters are not paying attention to what Biden says.

“Now that I voted I shall do the research”….

Measure twice cut once applies here.
As does ready, Aim, Fire (not in a violent way)

Point being you are supposed to make sure your actions are correct before it is too late.

MAGA: “evil deep state….. evil corporations…. evil elitists….. looking down on us…. rage! range against the machi-”

also MAGA: “oli what? oligarchy? Speak English, I’m a ship-man!”

I have to say even when you don’t know what Oligarchy means, does it really look good to have 14 Billionaires in the presidential cabinet? Do you think they know what the normal person needs? Those Billionaires are so far removed from normal life that this can only turn out bad in my opinion.
I am very very concerned for the next few years.

How many of these voters know what a tariff is?

Perhaps a national billboard campaign with an arrow saying [“You are here.”](

Trump has always loved the uneducated. They’re his biggest fans.

They probably thought it was a new rock group peddling their first album

77 million morons can be wrong!

Was there any other option than oligarchy on the ballot?

Um we’ve had an oligarchy running this country for decades. I think corporatacy is more fitting though.

This is Bidens mafiosa regret moment.  “Well I’m dying, but here’s the name of the oligarch friends who will be attending my funeral.”

Why the fuck did he not say this before the damn election?

nosy grandfather

We have been an oligarchy for some time. The only difference now is trump is just putting it on full display.

As a Kamala voter if you think the Oligarchy isn’t controlling both sides your the stupid one lol, look at the Tik Tok ban that’s all Zuck controlling votes with money. Trump is definitely worse in that regard but to say voting blue isn’t also voting for an oligarchy is just wrong, they’re in charge no matter what party wins

That’s hardly a comeback

More of that implied consent. Y’all starting to notice it?

Remember Americans, you chose this! *wink wink* *nudge nudge* The oligarchy totally wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the individual decisions you made less than six months ago. Good job, guys, now we got an oligarchy!

An oligarchy has always existed in America, you dum dums. Ford, Lockheed, boeing, and now Musk are only a few examples. The warning was that it was no longer the old established order’s oligarchy. And good riddance for that.

The Marshall plan was a success. It’s time to move into the future. I thought “progressives” wanted to progress?

America is honestly like a cartoon. Meep meep

The US has been an oligarchy for some time so it’s even more fascinating that it took Biden uttering that word in such a recent speech for people to suddenly wake up to that reality… seriously,, so many Americans have been asleep for so long. WTF have they been doing all this time? Netflix and chill? Like WTF?!?!

This is not a clever comeback.

According to the poster, he formerly said that a majority of Americans chose a Nazi, racist,fascist. He probably used gaslighting and other terms of the hour to express his dislike without ever he disagrees. It’s not a clever comeback.

People want change but it does not matter if it gets worse, same with the elections here in romania

What alternative action are they suggesting to avoid choosing an oligarchy?

The other party ran a candidate that wasn’t the winner of the primary election process, was hand-picked and forced on the voters largely based on the wishes of big money donors, and blew through a billion dollars in ~100 days with much of the money going to other members of the ruling class through appearance fees before shutting down and firing much of their staff with no notice.

Are they trying to suggest that voting for that ***wouldn’t*** have been choosing an oligarchy? Seems like both major party choices would support oligarchy. Seems like we just need to get better candidates.

Of course, one half of the country just made it pretty clear that they are fine if they don’t even get to choose their candidate in the general election. I know because whenever I brought it up, everyone on that side of the divide told me how it wasn’t a problem and having an unelected candidate thrust on them was actually the best thing for their party and the country.

If we are willing to give up the right to choose our candidates for the general election, we are all pretty much fucked.

…so..those who fail to learn…aw, to hell with it

America has always been an oligarchy

How did our species survive this long?! It defies logic.

2nd amendment

Where is the clever comeback in this though? It is just a response to a current situation?

“If you don’t vote for me your crops will burn, and they will come for your wives and daughters”


Know what it is didn’t vote lol

A democracy requires an informed and educated population, so it’s no wonder so many Americans prefer an oligarchy.

Dumbest electorate ever

So when the tech billionaires all back the democrats it’s called democracy but when they get red pilled and back republicans it’s called an oligarchy. I doubt that mumbling old fool couldn’t even tell you what an oligarchy is, one of his 30 something handlers wrote it in his final speech so he read it. If this was really an issue why is it only being brought up at the end of bidens administration and why would they peacefully hand the country over if it’s really an oligarchy. The democrats come out with a new “shock” word to call republicans every few months, if you’re still falling for the hyperbole I feel sorry for you.

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