Biggest crybaby on the planet.

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FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH unless it hurts my feefees.

“*You’re supposed to be nice to meeee.*”

Low-key whining lmao

Rich people think that money can buy respect — no. They just cave to the power dynamic, or lust after the crumbs you may drop. They actually don’t love you for you. Musk doesn’t seem to understand that.

Funny enough, if he would have just shut his fucking mouth and stuck to building EVs/rockets, he’d be celebrated as the next Tony Stark. But once he started talking, it became very obvious that he’s a complete buffoon, a shitty person, and an insufferable edgelord.


For being “alpha” these guys whine like bratty school children!!

Money does not make you smart

complain to the owner.

Poor Billionaire.

Wiping away his tears with piles of cash..I feel horrible for him..really horrible.

Insulting Elon is the morally correct thing to do after all.

Aww, are you seeing now that you’re not universally beloved? I mean you never were, but prior to buying Twitter and becoming so political, you had way less hate regularly coming your way. You ever step back and question why? Nah, i don’t think you’re capable of such introspection. 

That’s because he’s a piece of crap.

Not only on that platform 😎

Reap what you sow man child

Both he and Trump get insulted and ridiculed constantly. Makes sense they would team up

Who taught these plebes how to read and write!?!?!?


Insulted even after he ran off the majority that already hated him.

What a fragile and egotistical jackass.

F president Musk.


After promoting hate on a platform man is surprised the hate is reaching him

Not sure why he thinks they are insults. I mean, I don’t think people are calling him stupid or anything. They are just pointing out he is a dick, which is an objective fact.

I guess 💰 Money can’t buy you everything cyberboy.

Now you have to live the rest of your life wondering if anyone close to you actually even likes you or just wants something from you or fears you.
How fulfilling.

Sleep in the bed you made.

What an absolute child.

He’d be constantly insulted in real life if he lived in it.

Go cry in your Ozempic, Elmo.

Wow, I guess X is still good for something then.

Pathetic and sad that anyone can still look up to this guy here at the end of 2024.

It’s not just that platform

Everytime these people go after each other, we should egg it on.

If anyone wants to post about “President Musk” on X or Truth to screw with Vice President Trump, feel free to use any of these images to really piss him off. I’ve been trying to pull together a compilation of as many as I can find online.


Maybe he’ll kill himself and we’ll finally get a moment of silence

Maybe he should quit.

If everyone else is the problem, YOU’RE the problem.

Shouldn’t have bought Twitter then.

President Musk, just like his First Lady Donald has delicate feelings and is very sensitive.

He didn’t have to buy it…

Oh yeah, he was too dumb to -not- offer an insane amount for Twitter…

“Where is the fucking off-switch on the $44 billion burn-machine I bought?

It’s not supposed to burn me when I touch it, boo-hoo-hoo”.

Geez time to call it a day.. I thought he had a moment of clairvoyance by saying I’m “constantly insulated on this platform”… nope just more whining from the worlds richest man

What did he think “free speech” meant?

‘I am constantly insulted on the platform I brought to influence global politics by bringing back people who were banned for inappropriate behaviour.‘

Where does he usually go to be insulted?

Ironically, I’d bet my paycheck, he’s being trolled far more than he realizes.

Can you hear that?

It’s me, playing the world’s smallest fucking violin.


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