Bill Gates “by himself”

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Not every rich guy needs a little blood-related human shield on his shoulders for every public appearance.

You just can’t tell, that woman in the khaki pants maybe able to pounce on you outta nowhere and snap your arm in a second.

There are three types of bodyguards:

1.: The Deterrent: Most of the time a big dude looking angry at everybody in the general vicinity. Will turn you into paste and then shoot you.

2.: The Bystander: Average person in the crowd. The woman in the khaki trousers might be one. Will either pounce on you, if you try something, or will suddenly stand behind you and discourage you from moving. Might make you disappear, though.

3.: The Trap: Looks like a girlfriend, a daughter, a personal assistent. Looks extremely harmless and is always right next to the POI. Highly trained in martial arts and will turn your arm from your fingers to the shoulder into a 1000 parts 3D puzzle if you get this close.

This is the equivalent of finding a bear cub in the woods.

Bill gates isn’t causing the death of thousands of people so no, he’s not a target

You think? Honest question.

Maybe it’s a narrow picture and he has some security with him. But if he does they’re definitely not in this pic.

Edit: check that, it’s a video, if you see the video there’s a guy in the background with a suit and AirPod/earpiece in…looks vaguely bodyguardish.

Him buying a hot dog is probably similar to us going for a Paris trip. He’ll be telling his billionaire friends “I had the most amazing experience. I bought a hot dog myself”. And they’ll be like “No waay….”

If there are some red dots occuring on your chest, stop running towards him.

I like bill gates tho, so won’t do that

just a photo op, he is surrounded like every rich person

After seeing the CEO of UnitedHealthcare being clapped in front of the Hilton hotel, I wouldn’t be that surprised

He’s obviously covered by that ninja wearing those comfy librarian slacks.

Honestly wish rich people spent more time among normal people. Might make them a bit more aware of the consequences of their actions. Or maybe I’m being too optimistic.

This rich guy is doing normal people stuff instead of cosplaying as a barrel-chested, frog-faced Bond villain.

Met him at a conference where we both gave a talk in 2000. Nice chat, intense, and if you could keep up, invigorating

And then no bodyguards intercept and you notice that you tackled someone who just resembles a celebrity.

That big girl wearing the big brown pants, I’ll give you a tip. DON’T cross her

Gates travels with 4 to 5 bodyguards dressed in normal civilian clothing, all within 60 to 70 feet of him.

He tends not to kill thousands of people a day and actually spends a lot of his money on his foundation to make the world better. He doesn’t need body guards as much as most of em.

Always amusing how some people seem to assume once you’re rich, you don’t want to do anything by yourself anymore.

Well, why would you want to “run up to him”? Sorta proving his point for the need to have security in this fake argument.

Takes step towards Gates. Notices the three center of mass laser dots on their chest.

Realistically, yes he probably has security looking hard in this photo but also realize you’re in line of fire guaranteed what this should say is “try walking up and making fast movements” I don’t think he would care about being asked anything honestly

Looks like a movie set

Shit… run up on me and you will see how “alone” I’m not!!!

Well his Microsoft security guards are in the background, obviously he’s in safe mode


I worked in the same building as Bills “private office” can confirm this…

God forbid a man orders a hot dog

Everybody loves the street meat

He’s a billionaire he’s complicit

Fuck yeah Bill Gates. What a legend.

Bill can thank Elon.

Musk outstanding ability to publicly look as the worst person on earth shadowed anything you could accuse Gates to be or to do. Now, Bill Gates appears as a chill and sane billionaire

What’s wrong with the guy buying a hotdog?

Hey! An actual clever comeback on this SR! Nice. Keep up the good work.

Is this whole thing an attempt to get a betting company’s logo posted all over the internet?

I think hoarding wealth is super selfish but at the same time I think Bill did a lot for the advancement of humanity.

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