Bill Hader House Survive Los Angeles Wildfires Jan 2025

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He used to live in Boise Idaho years back. Met him once at the Boise co-op when he complimented my Dr who Tshirt. Had a great interaction for about five minutes

Dudes absolutely one of my favorites. I’m glad his place survived. I’ll send him a potato basket.

Of all things, it reminds me of that shot in Barry where the street turns into the ocean.

Even if it’s still standing there could be tons of smoke and fire / heat damage. All the surrounding homes burning with who knows what chemicals going into the air stink

Modest which is somewhat surprising.

What about Franco’s house? Did they get a chance to relive a live action version of This is the End?

I wonder what directions a Californian would use to get there.

Because Bill Hader is the shit.

Looks like he’s got a sick view now.

Not that I don’t care that celebrities’ homes are getting destroyed, I worry more about us average folk with weak insurance who have lost everything who have no voice. Misdirected energy.

His house survived- hizzah! But the construction noise for the next few years – oy!

this just happened to my brother-in-law. his house was completely destroyed but his nextdoor neighbor’s house was untouched. even the car in the driveway was destroyed, maybe 3 feet from the untouched house.

fire resistant plant/trees/grass + fire resistant house material + fireproof & anti disaster design

can help prevent wildfires in future


I know I’ll sleep better tonight.

Not what I thought his house would look like. Glad he’s okay.

Why the hell is any of this news worthy whether a super wealthy celebrities house survived a fire? Idgaf if Paris Hilton’s house burned down or if Bill haders survived. There so many other people being affected. People need to stop giving celebrities such attention and worship

Thank God

Why can’t houses be built with bricks, cement and concrete when you live in an area with a risk of wildfire ? (Is wood that cheap compared to other materials)

The inside of that house is going to smell like fire for years. Bummer

How? I am glad

He just said he had never liked that neighbor. Not funny

Even fire is afraid of Barry.

Send water to Bill’s house. He will get it to his neighbors. All of them are in need /s

Stucco house with stucco eaves.

Trash cans outside, and tipped over. That’s an HOA ticket.

Poor bastard has two years worth of neighbouring construction to look forward to….

Mud slides are now a massive threat. No root structure to keep all that soil under control with all that brush burnt. Next rain is going to be another disaster.

Bill hader is part pyromancer so it checks out

Almost worse that it survived, given the irreparable smoke damage. 

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