Billionaires like Elon doesn’t understand the hardships of the working class

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All these ppl deserve to be Brian Thompsoned

Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk have no obligations to send out Social Security or Medicare payments. The Social Security Administration & CMS does.

The only power that DOGE will ever have is the power to tell Trump what he wants to hear.

I love how the guy who spent millions sending his sports car into space for a fucking meme thinks he’s qualified to determine what’s wasteful.

Why is an immigrant deciding what Americans deserve?

Earned???? You paid into Social Security it’s not a handout. It’s your money.

They’re both wastes of oxygen, they should stop using it.

Billionaires like Elon dont understand many things in our society.


SS payment to someone who is LGBT: wasteful.

SS payment to someone who is a POC: wasteful.

SS payment to a naturalized immigrant who has lived in the country for 40 years, paid taxes and contributed to Social Security: wasteful.

SS payment to someone born in this country, who has contributed to Social Security for 55 years, and has retired: wasteful.

SS payment to someone who has had a stroke, or who has a terminal illness: wasteful.

SS payment to A Good And Decent And Honest And Honorable And Virtuous And Godly And Trustworthy And Loyal And Helpful And Friendly And Courteous And Kind And Obedient And Cheerful And Thrifty And Brave And Clean And Reverent And White And Heterosexual And Well-Trained And Well-Armed Conservative-Republican Patriotic-True Christian™ True American™ Alpha Male Who Voted For Our Great And Glorious Leader, Our God And King, Our Lord And Savior, The Returned Messiah, The Archbishop Of The True Trump™ Evangelical Church Of America, The Leader Of The World, And The Ruler Of The Universe,  **DONOLD JOHN TRUMP**! (Power And Wealth And Wisdom And Strength And Honor And Glory And Praise Be Unto Him Now And Forevermore!): **APPROVED.**  **MAGA! MAGA!! MAGA!!!**


Please do it. I really want them to do it and I really hope Trump listens to them.

Maybe it’ll teach his voters a lesson that they literally voted against themselves. His voters will be disproportionately affected.

I remember in France, there was an interview of a minister « Jean Francois Koppe » and he talked about inflation and how 50% would make the chocolate croissant go from 10c to 15c

…it was in 2016. So price were a bit lower, but still a chocolate croissant costed between 1 and 2€

This guy believed the basic commodity to be ten to twenty time cheaper than it was really. And he was in charge.

So no, they don’t understand. Elon probably have someone doing his grocery and he probably has no freaking idea, like at all, of the price of stuff.

it is especially theft from “department” that has no congressional powers.

Department Of Governmental “Making Rich People Richer” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Are they trying to get CEO’d?

Fun fact, DOGE can’t do much cutting given the budgets are ratified in congress through legislation. Social security is governed through legislation. If he stops payments it’s going to the Supreme Court who would have to overstep their authority in a major way to uphold it.

I only have sympathy if her mom voted harris.  Otherwise enjoy!

they have neither the obligation, responsibility or authority so why are we listening to them? Oh right, this is how the Refucklicans float their ideas.

Does that mean that every body also has the right to stop paying into those funds?

Or, everyone has to continue contributing their paycheques to those funds for billionaires to do what with it?

We need Luigi!

LOL just wait till MAGAotts don’t get their checks and lose their ACA.

imagine spending your entire working life paying into the Social Security system with every paycheck, only for two wealthy pricks to tell you that you don’t deserve payments back because their own tax breaks are more important

Those two had better get Secret Service protection or the DOGE isn’t gonna last very long.

Hell yea! Exactly what maga wanted!

You have knowingly voted for this, next time maybe make the effort to go to the polls, or at least to not vote for this and it won’t happen. That’s if you get another chance to vote provided that they fail their “Project 2025”.

Would be nice if the whole subreddit was back to humorous replies instead of trying to “gotcha” the billionaires who don’t give a single crap about being wrong anyway and WILL fuck you all over like they promised anyway.

On a different sub I saw, and I quote, “what’s wrong with having successful people run the country?” Here’s your fucking answer. Billionaires have absolutely no fucking clue how the average American lives. But hey. America is gonna get what they voted for. So. Whatever.

If Elon has been tasked with reducing government spending, is he going to lower prices on his government contracts? Is he going to take a “pay cut”? Doubtful. But hey, MAGA!

Wasn’t the context of this that they didn’t feel like the gov should be paying social security to people who have lots of money? I.e. not paying it to people who are retiring in a high tax bracket?

To them “wast” is any spending that doesn’t generate more income. They are the scourge of humanity.

I hope everyone is reminded of the simple fact that ‘They voted for this’, when the time does come that their checks aren’t coming in and the prices of their groceries are three times more than last year.

Oh yes he was born with a billion clenched in between his hands 💀 …..

I don’t know, seems like it might have been a huge mistake to not vote in the lady with actual plans to not fuck the country up. Just saying!

Dude people are going to lose their shit before this four years is over. It’s gonna be the longest/shortest four years in human history. The news cycle will induce seizures ffs.

Straight up, we need to kill them all.

This has to be accelerationism in real time. They’ll go as far as they can get away with. And when they go too far, that’s when it all breaks down, which is exactly what accelerationists want. To burn it all down.

We the people are in for a good fucking at the hands of some uber elite allowed to make decisions because somehow, over half our population is clearly incapable of critical thinking. EVERY SINGLE SIGN WAS THERE. Everything he’s saying he’s gonna do, he warned us.

After the shit hits the fan and we are left trying to put things back together, I’ll personally never forget or forgive. If you proudly voted for this asshat you are proudly responsible for what comes. Fuck those people just as hard as Trump himself. Got nothing for ‘em but a “we told you so”.

There’s nothing clever about this.

It’s almost pitchfork time.

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