Billionaires: Morally Wrong, Apparently

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Billionaires should not exist.

That’s rich coming from the guy who regularly calls people retards. Guess pejoratives are only bad when it applies to him.

Muck Fusk

There’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire. We need to slay dragons.

Being a billionaire isn’t a lifestyle choice, it’s a choice to deny everyone else a lifestyle.

If a billionaire acts like a cunt you get to call him a cunt. End of argument.

Being a billionaire is morally wrong and dumb

Scourge doesn’t like being called scourge!

Dear Elon: you will never know actual love.

Narcissistic psychopaths drunk on their own power just takes too long to say…

How are there 54k people liking that stupid comment? Please tell me those are bots.

This MF must have a Bacta tank to use everyday. He gets burned by the second. What a douche

Always has been.

The fact that you are able to accumulate that much wealth while arguing paying someone more than $7.50 per hour may be too much; when even if you have paid more than 50% in tax you would still have more money than 99% of the population; and especially when you can afford to lose 100 billion dollars for acting like a complete gunk bucket, you deserve every single one of the derogatory insults and pejoratives coming your way.

I don’t care that there are rich people. I care that there are poor people.

Fuck you, Joffrey.

The 54.7k that ♥️ it is so odd. I know there are not that many billionaires.

This is when mommy swoops in to “save him”

*Probably* not wise to start an “us vs them” situation when the “us” is like a few thousand people and the “them” is literally everyone else.


Goddamn snowflake

The only way to become a billionaire is thru theft. It is a pejorative, you’re being called the thief you are Leon.

Not if it’s used to refer to a pretentious ass like you!

Luckily you can still just call him a cunt.

This. Exactly. Fucking money hoarders!!!!

Is this a clever comeback? No. Is it satisfying? Yes.

Oligargle deez nuts

This fuck uses the r-slur on a daily basis and wants to tell us what is moral. Get fucked, Elon.

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