Bin Laden could have murdered way more Americans if he’d been a health insurance executive

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Jesus, that’s about as accurate as you can

Tongue in cheeks action.

Terrorist have killed less American’s than American CEO’s

Also this guy is now on an FBI watchlist. As is anyone discussing these events.

The oligarchs reaction to the killing of an executive level underling will be terrifying. Fascism is about to speed the fuck up.

Spicy, because it’s true.

It’s always been terrorism. They just didn’t care when it was us being terrorized.

This shows that they’re afraid. They’re scared to death this will become a rallying cry. So they must absolutely CRUSH any and all seeds of rebellion quickly.

How dare you. Osama was a father and grandfather. Where is your empathy 

We should all end our phone calls to our insurance provider with “Delay, Deny, Depose”. Say nothing else, just end your call with those 3 words.

America really has not progressed past the owner-slave relationship dynamic. That’s how these CEOs see us. Nothing has changed.

rules for thee, but not for me

Don’t forget, we’re going to get fined if we don’t buy the insurance

Not just corporations, but politics too. Democrats had 4 years to sentence Trump to prison for 1 felony, much less 34. Now he’s president again. It’s not about supporting Americans, it’s about retaining the establishment. Democrats and Republicans are both guilty of abandoning the working class.

We need a Labor Party, now!

It ain’t terrorism if it’s well financed (I mean billions of dollars not millions). Then it’s just business as usual. Sucks that we are convinced and forced to abide by that

Well, one is legal. The other is not.

But one is moral. And the other is not.

Which is which?

This is not going to make things better.

Are they fucking stupid?

Flaming the fire seems like a bad move.

Fuck em.

People waking up to the weaponization of the word terrorism???

I absolutely agree with the sentiment, but to be fair I don’t think his use of those words is what has people’s nickers in a twist. I think it might have something to do with what those words were written on and where he sent them at high velocity.

The mantra of the insurance companies is “delay deny defend”. Defend as in stick to your guns when you deny health claims. “Delay deny depose” is a play on the phrase by replacing defend with depose, meaning that if insurance companies keep doing this shit, they deserve to be deposed.

The system supports violence until victims fight back

PBS referred to the UHC CEO, and other insurance employees, as healthcare workers…wtf? They are insurance salespeople.

beautifully written

That Judge really wasn’t thinking.

It’s Class Warfare – always has been

Unless we get Universal Healthcare we should declare open season on all CEOs

Other countries have health insurance companies, but they’re strictly regulated and subsided by the state. Your problem is the government.

The difference is that one will say it’s just business not personal.

The fire is rising

Sir an insurance company has hit the second tower.

Capitalism has been screwing the vast majority of people for a very long time.  It baffles me that we allow people to be worth 100+ billion while people are starving/developing mental illness from working nonstop for peanuts

Look up to corporate leaders.  No, not like that!

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