bisexual madlad

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Fuck that if anyone hits me I’m hitting back

I have seen this argument before. Easy solution: everyone keep your fucking hands to yourself and shit won’t gain the potential to escalate.

They hit first? Its self defense and Im in the clear.
Less force is an insult.
Equal force is fair return.
Extra force is making a point.
Equal rights, Equal fights.

These hands are rated “E” for “Everyone!”

Honestly, equality should mean actual equality, right? If someone’s swinging fists, gender shouldn’t give them a free pass.

Nah, I’m a feminist. I believe men and women are equal. So, I’m hitting back regardless of gender.

Knee her in the vag and shout stranger danger.

If you hit anyone, no matter who they are, expect to be hit back.

The hand of justice is unisex

If you hit me you’re not a girl, you’re an attacker. I never hit people. I probably wouldn’t even hit someone in this scenario. But if I do it’s your own damn fault.


Maybe women should keep in mind that the strongest amongst them hit about as hard as the average male.

Ehmm, I reckon if youd hit back youre probably just not particularly strong. My arms could whack even most men into another timezone so I’d be remiss to even hit them back. If someone weak is trying to bully me I’d just exhale normally and watch them stumble back.

It doesn’t makes sense when you think about it though

Wouldn’t your hands have to be transexual

The whole equal right means equal lefts is so dumb. Want equality? Call the cops on the female for abuse.


Women want equality until they commit domestic violence

So is she saying that if a woman hits a man, he should just… take it?

I love how these comments are just guys who are just fantasizing about laying out some gal who’s probably not as big as them. Truly amazing lol.

google self defense

“Equal rights and lefts” as an old friend of mine would say

so no accountability for the woman hitting a man ?
that checks out

No female in my family would put their hands are me, so why would you think I’d let a woman I don’t even fucking know do it???

Glitch in d matrix fam

Or u/slazerxo you could take accountability for your actions and if you don’t want to get hit, don’t hit people.

So they want us to do cross counters? Got it.

Nah I want it to be very clear for my own personal safety that I will return lethal force to *ANYBODY* who touches me without permission. If you want to touch me without permission I will in fact touch you without permission 🤷🏻‍♂️

“Just” because she hit you… Violence is violence, girl.

Equal rights equal lefts.

Equal rights, equal lefts.

Women are under the impression that there’s some magical barrier around them and it’s OK for them to push you to your limit and hit you and you’re not allowed to respond. It’s called thinking before you act, don’t poke the bear if you don’t want the bear to bite you.

The amount of women who think they should be able to assault anyone without repercussions is crazy.

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