Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde literally wrote the book on it.

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“One of the things I caution about is the culture of contempt in which we live that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying and to put them in categories…That’s part of the air we breathe now. And I was trying to speak a truth that I felt needed to be said, but to do it in as respectful and kind a way as I could, and also to bring other voices into the conversation, voices that had not been heard in the public space for some time.”

“I wanted to emphasize respecting the honor and dignity of every human being.”

Bishop Mariann Budde January 22/2025

Regardless of your opinions on religion, she is quickly becoming a beacon of reason and compassion in a dark time

She lives by her book.

It is an important principle to live by what you preach or say.

Bought today. Not on dickhead’s Amazon. Great user name btw.

The day before the sermon the president was waxing on his religious transformation brought on by God saving him from assassins bullets.

The next day he rubbished this lady for reminding him that compassion is for everyone, not just him.

I don’t believe in God or Karma so I’m just going to gun for the natural order of things.

Just as a side note, memorize the nearest meeting house for the society of friends. They helped with the underground railroad once, they’ll help again if needed.

I would consider myself very anti religious but she is what i wish Christians and religious people were like

99% of them are more the rasict hatefull type

Love love love

“A courageous spiritual warrior”.

He pissed the bishop off in 2020 and she never forgot. Unlike 77 million of us

Someone with an actual spine & you would think a lot of the religious Trump fans would listen to her.

An awesome human

I saw a YouTube video about this and all the comments were calling for women to not be able to speak in church….

I just want to hug her

Yes………Bishop Budde as teacher and I as student. Navigate from where you are, onward.

If only more American Christians were like Bishop Budde and Jimmy Carter…

Be brave by describing one of the absolute most basic tenets of Christianity, aka: love thy neighbor.

I adore her.

I’m not religious, but if anyone needs prayer right now, it is her.
I’m convinced that she’s in danger.


I hope she doesn’t cave in

“Give us Barabbas!” – Trump Christians

It’s people like her that make me not automatically correlate “Christian” with “bigot”.

Sure, I won’t be surprised if that Christian turns out to be a bigot, but I don’t assume the worst of someone because of their Christianity.

Someone needs to make a sticker of her so I could start putting it everywhere

I’m not a Christian, but she reminded me what is truly means to be Christlike. And also that Christians will rebuke Christ himself if it means owning the libs.

Just bought her book!

This is what Christ expects of his followers. Great example of what being a true Christian means.

wish all christians were more like her

Buying it now thanks for the tip

We need to support this woman. If you haven’t bought her book, let’s make it a best seller.

Somehow people forget that being kind is part of that whole Christian thing. Really is something when being kind = Radical left!

Someone keep an eye on her safety.

I think people are getting a lot of conflict from trying to reconcile very old ideologies rooted in tales and “Virtues” of the time in today’s culture and needs and life. If you ever want to try a compassionate group that does outreach and charity and is moral without the need of an invisible skyman who will hit you with a stick, I found Humanism and cannot say enough good things about them.

On what

Takes bravery to speak in public. Especially with that haircut.

Yeah you should definitely give your money to her, lol. These people always get rich.

Love to know who made the decision to book this woman. They must have known about her background. You know supporting the anti-hate Jesus instead of the full of hate Jesus.

can someone give me a quick tldr on why I keep seeing her posted today?

I’m sorry, I’m Out of the Loop. Who is this Bishop?

Trump needs to #banthebible and #canceljesus

Why isn’t she brave and confront the churches about all the cover ups with pedophiles?

A joke


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