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Giving me flashbacks of the hour long talk from my mortgage broker using words that I’m sure were english….

Recently my business became incorporated and I quickly realized I am not smart enough to be running anything

I literally got an MBA because I kept winning arguments based on technology and business process, and then finding myself unable to win the money arguments because i didn’t speak the language. So I spent 4 years learning how to speak the languages of money for that reason. I now recommend that EVERYONE who attends college get a minor in business, no matter what they major in. Theatre major? Minor in business. Underwater basket weaving major? Minor in business? Business Major? … ok, maybe not those guys.

Well hopefully they donโ€™t see this comic.

That would be awkward.

As a real estate agent, this is something I deal with from time to time. And I know its just a comic, but it is important to understand. It’s not that you are dumb, but uneducated. These people have years of education and experience. In that situation it’s very easy for experts to overestimate how much non experts know ([XKCD for everything]( Make them explain it to you until you understand it well enough to make decisions – it’s your business, not theirs.

*inner monologue*

โ€˜Am i nodding too aggressively? Not enough? Do i look like a bond villain with my hands positioned like this?โ€™

Average Ainz Ooal Gown moment.

Oh boy, numbers.

I’ve never agreed more with a comic in my entire life

As a tax nerd and fellow Canadian, thank you for including Canadian-specific tax terms: “eligible dividends”, “Part I tax”.

Me being autistic i have the exact opposite reaction, I NEED them to understand I’m too stupid to understand this “listen if you want me to understand you’re going to need to use smaller words, dumb it down for me… dumber…. DUMBER… perfect”

No we know lmaoย 

“Let me make sure I understand you”, repeats last sentence, “Is that correct?”

Rewarded with a beaming smile which is received like a favored treat for a pet.

“Yes, that’s exactly correct. I sometimes worry that clients get buried in the details but you’ve obviously got a handle on this. I have to admit I’m a little impressed.”

Leans forward with a bemused smile and a pulled down brow.

“Well, I appreciate the effort you are making to help me understand.”

Noticeable brightening and renewed enthusiasm.

“Thank you, that’s really great to hear. Let’s move on to annuities and why the might be a good option or why why you might want to avoid them. It can be complex based on your goals, portfolio, and what your tolerance for risk is but if you stick with me for the next hour or so I think we can explore all the cases and develop several strategies.”

Leans back with a serious expression while nodding slightly. The droning resumes and the familiar song returns. Pounding behind the eyes it repeats over and over and over. The Hamster Dance. It will continue until the nice talking man is done and gone. It will continue through the evening through dinner and relaxation, It will be there during the drift off and then at three AM.

The financial future will remain a mystery but the Hamster Dance is forever.

you donโ€™t need to understand it. thatโ€™s why there are accountants. you just take all your plus money records and your minus money records and tell them to do some number magic in your favor

Imposter syndrome has entered the chat. We think weโ€™re too dumb but are in fact perfectly capable.

Wisdom is understanding that you know nothing.

Dolla dolla bills y’all

“Ummm hummm, Interesting.” (I have no idea what’s going on)

That’s when you shhh them and ask them to just tell you how much you owe, or how much you’re getting back.

Reminds me of all the job interviews I had recently.

They probably don’t fully understand it either.

I initially thought this was dunking on a certain billionaire…

Business business business, numbers ‘is this working?’ … YAYYY

They don’t know either hoping you don’t ask questions.

Standard people SHOULDN’T NEED TO.

And when regular people who don’t understand are in power, they get taken advantage of.

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