Black bengal cats exist

By pystar
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Why you holding it like a loaded weapon?


cute little baby

Which hand did you take the photo with?

Yeah, strech it like you are making taffy candy.

Post another pic in about 6 months. It’s common for kittens to have patterns in their fur (mine had a mackerel pattern) that later fade into inky voidness.

Charcoal bengals are gorgeous!! They do take a little adjusting to at first if you’re used to the brown bengal look.ย 

My girl is charcoal and she has a mask + cape.ย 

It looks very much like youโ€™re smuggling this cat across the border between 2 fairly tropical countries. Itโ€™s doesnโ€™t help that the Kitty is probably worth more than my car. Black (market) bengals!

Why do I get the feeling that kitten is ridiculously expensive…

This cat has melanism. It’s a recessive gene trait that makes their fur black. Can happen in a lot of different cat breeds. Cats like Jaguars have melanism as a dominant trait rather than recessive.

That being said, that kitten will be EXPENSIVE.

Wannabe voidling

I have a brown and a snow mink Bengal. They’re both crazy.ย 



Glock feline

Correct trigger discipline when handling a dangerous weaponย 

Bro getting stretched like some dough

He’s so cuteeeeeee ๐Ÿ˜

That’ll be $30k please.

Peace was never an option.

For me, it doesn’t matter what color they are. The best thing about a Bengal is the personality.

Why you holding it like that and it’s way too young to let outside.

Edit: For context Bengal cats are larger than the average housecat and it’s a designer breed which is different from cats you encounter outside.

In my country it’s recommended by vets to wait until (4 to) 6 months old to let your cat outside because then they’re fully vaccinated and neutered (which is required by law here). It’s also recommended for a new cat (or in a new house) to keep them indoors between 1 to 2 months before you let them outside.

Holding the cat like a gun

Good trigger discipline.


Locked and loaded that cat to steal some cat nip

How much?

“And here we have the Silf XSZ Semi-Automatic Cat. What’s unique about this one, is that it used depleted Uranium when they manufactured these, making an extremely reliable Cat.” Just imagine a Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons voice-over. lol.

Immediately thought of this classic.


Got that shit on

It’s a semi-automatic meowser ๐Ÿคญ

Matte on Matte on Matte on Catte!

Good God these things must be expensive

Standard disclaimer:

Bengals are not regular domestic cats. They are exotic cats and they have special care requirements.

Buying them is very expensive (starting around $20k) and their upkeep costs between $10k and $15k per year.

In most places in the US you’re required to have an exotic animal handler license and you have to have regular inspections by the Fish and Game Warden, and those are also expensive.

They require a special diet which is also expensive.

All in you’re looking at the cost of a car each year to care for one.

Nice trigger discipline.

What an awful photo.

Omg itโ€™s so pretty!!


I have one. He’s the sweetest boy.

poor trigger discipline

these have been bred. And the breeders are absolutely disgusting humans.

Yes it’s possible to make many different colours of cats by inbreeding. Do you want a medal?

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