Blissful are the ignorant

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And this is the main person who will have a video crying about her family being deported.

Sometimes I genuinely wish conforming came this easy to me because I’m fr miserable af

Why are they calling Tom Hanks a pedo? 

She look like Shrek wife in her final form, I forgot what her name is.

I mean, while both sides do have their fair share of sexual predators BUT you can look up and see how there are far far far far more Republicans that have a history of sex scandals

This is public information. But also kinda useless since their Christ figure is one of them lol

That’s the thing about villainizing facts and education as lies, you can form your own reality as being targets by “big media” or whatever they’re pushing nowadays

Deadass everyone I see wearing these hats has the same goofy doofy little look on their face😭

“if ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.”

I’d rather be informed

Y’all elected a Pedo, stfu

Except a lot of them don’t seem happy. Most of the time they’re getting angry over something that doesn’t affect their life in any way whatsoever. Going on huge hateful rants full of rage to whoever is unlucky enough to cross their paths. Honestly sounds exhausting

Is this in response to his second appearance as Doug because I don’t know if she knows this but Tom Hanks is white so if he’s playing a character by default, you guessed it, they’ll be white. Unless you wanted him to paint his face🤨

they think it’s a game of kickball. Their victory consist of non stop teasing and childish repetitive backtalk and non stop blaming in comparison.

She looks she could be a victim from “Get Out” someone about her looks gone and the smile is uncanny

ICE already tracking her location

Nah, look in those eyes, this is a dead smile. Don’t know if the saying is the same in the states, but over here we call this smiling like a farmer with a toothache.

No but there really is a glimmer in her eye that I just don’t have in mine smh

You can literally see the pain in her eyes, she must be fucking dead inside. Half her family probably hates her or don’t talk to her, and the ones that do circle the drain of hate.

Misery loves company.

Calling out Tom hanks for pedophilia is awesome. Doing it while wearing another pedophiles hat? Strong with the hypocrisy this one is

Weird how MAGA screams about snowflakes but are the first ones that can’t handle jokes especially jokes that are true.

Tariffs on those China(nese) made hats is gonna wreck them😂😂😂🎈

Imagine hating Tom Hanks of all people smh.

Please tell me y’all ain’t forget them republicans been doing DEI hires for the longest (example in question ↑)

You may not be “white” but that crave for proximity to whiteness is going to harm us all.

its astounding to me that any hispanic person would still be wearing a maga hat.

She’s Cuban isn’t she?

I’m a browner than usual Mexican that grew up in rural white America and these bunch of folks are SO fucking embarrassing…I can guarantee you that the power structure will remind them that they ain’t white.
It was white kids in the playground that taught me the n-word, had to ask my dad what it meant smh

“not all MAGA are white” … says the whitest Latina you’ve ever seen

Let’s see what happens when your family is in concentration camps at the border. Will you be sending a long winded Twitter message to Trump lol.

If she doesn’t make over 450k a year she needs to STFU and get ready to be broke af.


normally, I’m attracted to dumb women, as they make for easy fun. But not when it comes to hateful idiots. Quickest way to kill a boner is to mention trump

Can I just voice one thing. I’m sure there are pedophiles on both sides, but the republicans knowingly put them in power. Look how hard they fought for Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump

Don’t let the big, fakeass grin fool you. These people are constantly miserable. That’s why they support who and what they support, and that’s why they want everyone else to be miserable.

He ain’t lying, jjst be existing in the world with no type of thoughts😭

Rough looking 36-year old, narcissism sure has it’s way of aging miserable people.

Ignorance is bliss

Best insult I heard recently was “I envy how easily you find joy.” The person was describing something completely juvenile and stupid as if it was the greatest thing ever. Comment went right over the recipients head.

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