Blissful are the ignorant

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There are many studies that suggest a direct correlation between intelligence and depression.

Women/Latinos for Trump is like saying “Chicken for Chicken Nuggets”.

They are happy right now because all of their stupid thoughts are getting validated, but don’t forget how terrified of legitimate reality they all actually are. They freak out at the slightest challenge to their beliefs, they are horrified by anyone and anything that deviates from what they have determined to be “normal”, and even the slightest of offenses calls for unlimited and unrelenting reprisal. That seems like an awful way to live. I pity these assholes just as much as I despise them.

The worst side of humans is our ability to mistake our own perception as a quality marker for intelligence. The lower the self esteem, the larger error in the perception.
They are so desperate for belonging, and to feel they matter.
Then there comes this cult, that says anyone can join and just by believing, they are on their path to succcess. Remember MAGA is eerie alike a self coaching video from the 80s.
Their ego inflates so fast. All the rage once pointed inwards, no just rays towards a common enemy. The bliss is intense. The only similar state is psychosis..
But its addictive. So they have to feed this perception. And so its a perpetual state of bliss and anger.
Juat look at the choice of words they use. They describe their common enemy very alike pure evil.
But this is straining. It’s exhausting to hate, and to chase the maga red dragon.
Soon, they become irrational.

And that is the part I fear the most.

They’re great at faking smiles, but the fear and hate shines through in their eyes. These are not happy people; I have yet to meet one who seems truly serene or comfortable in their own skin. It’s why an ideology based on “make other people hurt more than you hurt” is so effective with them. I’m grateful that I don’t have to live like that.

If they get their way, she will be first on the deportation list. 🙄🙄

And once again, another one blessed blue mark of idiocy and stupidity.

She is such a troll from Arizona. Imagine a Latina MTG. YIKES, TĂ“XICA Y ESTUPIDA.


When you’re White passing, you can be this stupid and get away with it.

There are plenty of light skinned minorities that are white passing & they will be the last to get scooped up but make no mistake, MAGA likes no minorities.

“I’m a minority & I’m MAGA” yeah, and they’re using you to get what they want & as soon as they do, you’ll be annexed just like the others.


In fact i believe mexicans in general are the most racist against their own kind

i already know her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard

Imagine thinking that wearing a cult hat makes one a “patriot.”

Also she appears to be a white Latina. It’s weird when white people try to convince the world they are not white just because they aren’t WASP

All these people will have that pikachu shocked face when they start realizing that suddenly they aren’t white enough for these white nationalists

Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.

This is gaslight and project.

Imagine leaning on the “Tom Hanks Pedo” bullshit to reinforce your political outlook. These people have filthy toilets for brains.

Why do these freaks have child-fucking on the brain ALL THE TIME?!

I’m surprised that the cross around her neck doesn’t cause her to burst into flames.

Haha yes but the elite democrats didnt promise us to break democracy, start wars, ruin the economy and turn the US into an oligarchy like Russia.

Whereas the GOP did.

Just like Fox news told her

I guess her making a pedo remark shows no one learned from Elon using that word.

She looks like a white Fiona from Shrek

How did people get so brain washed!

How Republicans understand “who causes racism.”

Obama is elected President.

Republicans have strong racist feelings about this, and become more vociferous and open about the racism they feel towards Obama, immigrants and other people of color.

Republicans: “Obama made America racist.”

They aren’t happy though. That’s not how happy people behave

Like I saw yesterday, you can’t spell hatred without red hat

What is she even trying to get at?????

Why is calling someone a pedo or groomer the go to insult for MAGA?

It’s always projection with these losers…

“Ignorance is bliss”

As we Spanish speakers like to say: Por Pendeja

Fetal alcohol syndrome… know the signs.

As 40k puts it: Blessed is the mind too small for doubt

Jews for Hitler be like

Free tom hanks

i hope her papers are in order

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