Blue Cross deleted their corporate “about us” page

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He’s got the fucking insurance companies scared shitless.

Just now, they’re reversing their new policy.

“Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield calls off surgery anesthesia cap”


Archive: [](

You can still search each states board.

Running scared. Good for them

Shine a little light and the roaches all go scurrying.

Eat đź‘Ź the đź‘Ź rich đź‘Ź!!!

This just proves that if we started a new political party called the “Eat the Rich” party, we would have more members than the Dems and Reps combined in no time at all.

comment image?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ecdaeb07af10472e4c77a2c6db2a0ebd0ed38a

Check the wayback machine

Something is missing.

That something is ethics, empathy, compassion, spine and lack of financial crimes and torture brought upon patients

I suppose they’re unaware of the Streisand effect? This is going to make a lot more people seek out the names of their executives.

It probably said something about patient care being their top priority and legal said well that’s demonstrably untrue so it had to go

Nature is healing….this is one issue 99% of people are in solidarity about.

Just go on LinkedIn. It’ll be there. The corporate schmucks love to show off their phony job titles and over inflated egos.


Literally Called this Yesterday that All those Coporate about us/ meet the Company pages were about to be scrubbed from the internet. They don’t want their Faces/Names Behind their decisions any more because they don’t want to be held responsible they want to just say I was just doing my job.

Found out what happens when we have no bread

They probably didn’t delete the web archives of it, though?

Their CEO is Kim A. Keck


Huh. Wonder what would happen if you took that url — — and ran it through the Wayback Machine?

The internet is forever, just saying.

healthcare executive is a dangerous job these days.

They gone delete their LinkedIn as well? Where will I get my B2B sales advice?

Would be a shame if there was a way to see the old page on the net.

[Oh wait there is!](

What happens when you are an industry that shouldn’t exist in the first place.

Wow, it’s almost as if the people that contribute the least to society while taking the most from it are finally starting to understand how expendable they are perceived by those that actually contribute real value to society.

Hmmm… people finally taking a “stand” and look how they cower and hide.

One thing I’ve learned working in web dev and design is that the C-Suite loves their leadership pages. I’ve had to prioritize those vanity experiences many times over more impactful projects.

Congress is going to overnight draft, and vote on, a new law making all corporate boards of directors secret, and if you leak their names it’s a felony that carries 20 years.

Jeez you can just google “who is on bcbs board of directors “… it’s public information.

comment image?width=1716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153b094f915706467c2077f81a2bf564b2e84d84


The reverse of that policy is a result right there. This one death has probably saved dozens of lives with this one change alone.

I’d bet the wayback machine has it.

I hope theyre fucking terrified.

The pitchforks are coming…

Soul not found.

We can still find you, once its on the internet it never goes away.

They found their content was full of holes.

Seeing how it’s now a hit list I can’t blame them

To be fair, Anthem is a BCBS franchisee that only operates in certain states.  This may or may not be connected

Like that’s going to do anything. WOW, have they ever heard of Google?


It’s good to see that the ultra rich are cowering in fear as they realise their shit won’t be put up with

Wonder if the page is on…

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