Blursed Elon

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Interview with a Virgin.


Lets make a beyonce out of him

Can’t he go back to that stage? Where he was a weird but slightly entertaining weeb with the humor of a thirteen-year-old? Kinda liked him better that way.

Count Edgelord

So glad this photo is permanently removed. It’s so embarrassing it would be a shame if it somehow got unveiled. Luckily the way the interwebs works is when you delete something it’s gone forever. Phew!

Michael JaquesƧon

Elon are you ok, are you ok, are you ok Elon?

I wish it was socially acceptable to dress like this

Everybody should make it their Twitter picture

That dude must hold the record for the amount of cringe contained within a single body

I’m thinking about getting metal legs. It’s a risky operation, but it’ll be worth it.

Bro really loved the Van Hellsing movie.

I think maybe this picture was in fact not removed from the internet

DaRk GoThIc mA gA

He looks like a member of the 80s band Adam and the Ants


Looks like he got kicked out of the Black Parade for touching people inappropriately

Brian Peppers


So, when will he remove this post?

I’m waiting then.

ā€œPermanently foreverā€ and yet here it is



Looks like an average redditor tbh

Ah, yes, completely removed from the internet. That’s why I’m seeing it right now on the internet.

Edit. Just to confirm what I knew, typing in Elon musk long hair trench coat into Google has tons of hits with this image but without the obvious lie on it. I’m sooooo shocked.

What was the reason for the effort?




Grimes willingly slurped his schlong *after* this photo was public record. šŸ¤¢šŸ˜…šŸ’€

JP from Grandmaā€™s Boy

“I told you not to come to school today.”

Not blursed. Just cursed.

What a nonce…


Why is it a bad photo?

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