Blursed tattoo

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Thats such a self explanatory symbol. It’s literally the male Symbol with the ball striked out.

Note to self. When I get my vasectomy, I’ll be getting this tattoo the day of to celebrate.

Mabye the guy also lost his balls. You never know.

Time for a vasectomy, thems the rules

You tattoo your pets? In my country they chop a little of their ear’s tip, or at least on stray cats.

Seen here: A subby puppy displaying his clever cover story after going a little too far with his kink.

He might as well go forward with the second step.

Tbf that is a cool ass symbol

So uh… yall know it’s pretty fuckin easy to see a male dog is neutered without a tattoo, right?

yea the dumbass adopted a pup from shelter, saw that symbol and IMMEDIATELY assumed it was a permanent tattoo. He will be/was stuck with that until he can afford the removal, while the mark on the pup will fade away on its own

My friends did something similar and got matching Pineapple tattoos. Upsidedown pineapples because the tattoo artist asked if they wanted it that way and they said yes.

That takes balls

I thought only the girl dogs got tats, isn’t it kind of obvious when a boy dog doesn’t have balls?

I still respect the solidarity. No regerts.


We can’t be misinforming people now, can we. Your balls gotta go.

I’m gonna get that. I assume my vasectomy was successful


My rescue baby just has a little green line tattoo. That’s way cooler than this.


Is he dumb

As if you wouldn’t first look it up or ask a vet before getting this tattoo. This story is BS.

That’s a very dumb thing to do. But a creative tattoo artist can easily turn that into something better so he doesn’t have to live with his dumb mistake for the rest of his life.

Edit: For example connect the arrow tips with the horizontal line to create a triangle, make vertical line longer and say it’s “harry potter deathly hallows tattoo” but the circle needs to be on center I guess, so dunno

Why is the neutered tattoo so elaborate tho? When my last dog got neutered they inked a small green line. That’s it.

Could always scribble Volvo under it and play it off shitty car tattoo

Well, guess he’s bouta get neutered

Man to dog after seeing symbol: **I love you.**

Man after figuring out what logo means: **FUCK.**

In solidarity,

If I ever get a vasectomy I’m totally getting this.

Maybe he’s married

What a cool tattoo idea! Without a doubt a funny mistake.

Yup right after the election.

I didn’t even know they tattooed dogs when this is done. I mean isn’t it kind of an obvious thing when they’ve been neutered? What’s the point if the tattoo?

I’ve seen this like before covid. Are we seriously running out of original content…?

Shouldn’t that be in his pubes pointing down?

Part time ,

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