Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers

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Shareholders first. Employees and customers last. It’s the American way.

CEO’s CEOing.

It’s probably $9/hr to the agency. The actual worker gets a fraction of it.

Great if you care about it being as cheap as possible. Not so great if you want to ensure the planes can fly safely.

You might think you could turn around and sue the $9 engineers but good luck winning anything

What a shitty and unethical company. Hope the leaders all go to jail.

This is Elon’s wet dream.


As a person who works in aerospace, it’s more than just this. Every aerospace and well every company tries to outsource as much as they can. It’s just how business is done.

The funny part is that it really doesn’t save money. You always get what you pay for.

Why not just ask volunteers to do the work for free? Volunteering for Boeing would look good on a CV!

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well, you get what you pay for.

pay shit, get shit.

Indian workers get paid even worse in India.
Crony capitalism is bad in the US but it’s beyond terrible in India.

$9 an hour is bad enough but then it’s for an engineer. The whole world is running on delusion

Race to the bottom.

Forget about providing value for the customer.

W T F man? I’m doing £17 and I’m just having stupid meetings on Teams (while I doomscroll reddit) $9 an hour for something that could fall from the sky and kill hundreds is straight up criminal

Fucking scumbags. I hate these people that do this. Completely selling out America, and claim Americans are too dumb/too lazy to do the job.

No capitalist scum, you’re too damn cheap to train people, you want them to pay for training out of their own pocket via predatory loans you can’t discharge thru bankruptcy, and then you want to whine about having to pay them too much.

Old news is old. As a programmer who’s had the displeasure of working with outsourced Indians, stepping into a 737 Max requires a great deal of courage.

All of that for 1% more quarterly profit. Capitalism is a death cult.

No worries. They’ll just murder the next whistleblower

Non-paywall: [](

Half-assed work = half-assed results. Unfortunately, this also led to people getting killed. Fucking CEOs, executives, etc. who only care about their stock dividends.

I just can’t with this anymore.

Execs would be jailed if there was actual justice in this country

You get what you pay for I guess – did the gamble pay off?

The world that Conservatives love to vote for.

Yep, I worked for Boeing when this happened. They passed it off as DEI hires. “Think of how we can learn and collaborate with people of such different cultures and customs”. I was then moved to a new dept but still had to occasionally work with them and it’s clear no one has a clue how to handle the job. All while bragging about how they can pay them well above standards for their country while actually paying way less than US workers make

Burn this company to the ground..

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Boeing executives every meeting.

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