Bolero’s Wisdom – Gator Days

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May we all be blessed by the wisdom of Bolero! 😲

“I put bugs in my pockets!”

Wisdom of the ages.

FieldExplores been reading that same “oldest man died” article I did earlier?

Bolero is going to be challenging Hannah for smartest kid in the room.

While Bolero lore is the thing of the moment I’d like to remind everyone that another blue frog already appeared in the comic. It might be his older sister! I wonder what she thinks of her brother.

Between this and the Uno Reverse card pulled on Liam’s sister to become queen Bolero might be playing 4D chess at all times.

It is Wednesday perfekt for philosopher frog

So this means that there was someone held the world record for being the youngest person alive for the greatest period of time.

My greatest accomplishment >:3

Bolero is my favourite!

All of this is great but the third panel is specifically awesome to me. Well done!

And at snack time Bolero is a confection savant.

Real question is “who held the record the longest”

After Ricoeur, here comes Ribbit

More Bolero content is always welcome

he threw his cookie at a bird…

So long as they don’t Marjoe him, be proud of your boy.

Bolero is not fit to preach.

Someone has held it the longest. We will never know who.

So we gonna get a cut of Bolero’s head popping out of a small pond and being asked “Oh Bolero of the pond, what is your wisdom”?

Any takers? I can’t draw for shit.

How i felt as a kid, pointing out that “if numbers are infinite, eventually everything is a number” when someone told me a bazillion wasn’t a number.

ah, a reminder to check up on r/ShowerThoughts for any pearls of wisdom where Bolero>!’s dad who will post it there for karma!< might have dropped.

Every comic I am delightfully surprised by an entirely new character/family that I would die for

Wait till he hit his emo phase

We were all born to die

Proud father right there

And all pictures of you are when you were younger.


Well only the first person born has the record everyone else after just matches the record.

The first three panels look like a king receiving dire news from his advisor.


I love Bolero. I would love to see more Bolero content please

*Ahem*, technically only the first holds the record, everyone else copies them.

that kid is gonna grow up tough.

Excited for the Bolero Gustopher crossover event

Technically, shouldn’t that be true also for the person closest to death, as a record?

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