Both Carter and Clinton pardoned their brothers, so this actually is the norm

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This is awfully rich coming from the same people who want Trump to pardon the January 6th mob.

Hell, he’s got only a small bit of presidency left and one foot in the grave, and the right is already thinking of him as the worst president of all time. What’s he got left to lose? Might as well pardon one kid, fuck the haters.

Trump’s going to pardon *himself* of 34 felonies… we’re just electing Kings again.

tЯ☭mp pardoned his daughter’s father in law

>Both Carter and Clinton pardoned their brothers, so this actually is the norm

Nope. Carter never pardoned his brother. [](

Clinton did pardon his half-brother Roger.

My take on the larger issue: I can see that argument that Biden should not have pardoned his son. But then I think to myself, “Why should Hunter Biden be *ineligible* for a pardon just because of who his father is?”

That seems manifestly unfair as well.

I suppose I could imagine a system where a President relies on the Office of Pardons for guidance and pledges to accept the result… but it’s a phony restriction, because any positive pardon recommendation for a Presidential relative would be dismissed as undue influence anyway.

Hunter’s prosecution would very likely not have happened to someone named Jones or Miller or Davis. I think it’s an appropriate use of the pardon power to correct that. I understand the opposing argument, and I think it’s a reasonable one; I just don’t share it.

Media loves to act like fairness is a scandal when it’s not their fave politician.


And George HW pardoned the witnesses that would have implicated him in Iran-Contra.

George HW Bush pardoned his son Neil

Doesn’t Biden have presidential immunity?

Go fucking ham, who cares at this point.

Pardon people, give us healthcare, wipe student loans. Go out with a bang, and piss off every maga dick bag on the way out.

You got one legacy. Want to be remembered? Then fucking *do* something!

Trump pardoned his daughter’s father in law.

Reminds me of how they said they wanted to drag Democrats dead political bodies in the streets, but then cried like toddlers when we called them garbage. The’re just so outlandish and ridiculous at this point. It’s like a clown show. But only if the clowns were incredibly uninformed and willfully ignorant. Fun fact, the same people that associate as MAGA also think the world is flat. You can’t make this shit up.

I don’t care, let the rich people fight. I’m more worried about my friends, even the weird Maga ones. Fuck the ruling class.

Just for shits and giggles, Biden should pardon every Democratic congressional leader, judge, lawyer, witness, everyone Rump might try to prosecute.

Why is this post Keith Edwards useless quote tweet where he added nothing, instead of the original post? Weird lol

Trump pardoned Roger Fucking Stone who is clearly a domestic terrorist that only has power and money and doesn’t care about anything or anyone else. Not to mention the what 100 others he pardoned for their wrong doings? They’re all hypocrites. Rules for thee but not for me.

He’s not getting reelected again and his term is almost over. Who wouldn’t pardon their kid knowing they would face zero repercussions, honestly?

what ever happened to the republican select commitee on the weaponization of the government?

Ignore the Trump supporters. They ignore you. Stop giving the bullies your lunch money

Let’s go through Trump’s first term pardons one by one. Then we’ll discuss Hunter.

First up, General Flynn.

There was no bigger miscarriage of justice than the pardoning of Manafort. I could give a rat’s ass about Hunter.

The issue isn’t the pardon. It’s that Pres Biden said repeatedly he wasn’t going to do it. He lied.

Media = Ministry of 24hr Gaslighting of the Peasants

And they’ll all be shocked, *shocked*, when he then also goes after all the media aside from Fox and OAN.

When did all the reporters turn into complacent pussies afraid to report facts and call out bullshit? Journalism truly is dead.

to bad we’ll live in an oligarchy , the rich are in control

The double standards are wild. People will literally twist anything to fit their agenda.

Billy Beer

>guy doesn’t get punished for crimes

>another guy is going to punish him for it

>gets pardoned because his father doesn’t want him to be punished

But hey, some republicans got pardoned before so it’s ok, and nobody should ever he held accountable. But just swing it into it was the right thing to do he maybe would have got more than a slap on the wrist

But did they pardon their brothers for crimes they “…has committed or may have committed or taken part in…”?

Only Clinton pardoned his brother.

Carter’s brother was never charged with a crime, so no pardon was possible.


Why are so many presidential relatives criminals?

And didn’t bush pardon his son?

I love watching people do the mental gymanstics justify why this is OK. It honestly hilarious.

It’s legal in the sense that he has the power to do it. But when even a solid chunk of the left is critical of the move, maybe it’s time to admit it’s not the morally/ethically right move?

Can someone tell me if it was the main talking point that Democrats were following the law by Biden not pardoning his son? Pretty sure there’s a 3hr supercut of this talking point.

The whiplash to the current position is amazing.

Also, just a quick point: if you’re going to use some spacious argument that it’s the “norm” or that it’s because “Trump would do X” without any basis of fact, then that’s not “doing what they do” to the middle ground voters, that’s making you indistinguishable from MAGA Republicans and you lose that argument.

Be better. Be less hypocritical. Have moral authority. Be less in the bed of Corporations and Lobby groups. Be actual change.

That’s how Democrats win and for fucks sake the whole world needs that to actually happen.

Idk, don’t make a political circus over the president’s family members if you actually want the president to be convinced their family member got a fair trial.

Like you’ve got to know going into a trial of a president’s family members that there’s a solid chance the president is going to pardon them even if you aren’t going out of your way to poke the bear.

Fuck, like I’m not even sure you really *should* go after president’s family members for the most part. It seems like there’s kinda no way that doesn’t distract said president from their duties of running a country. Like, unless they’re a serial killer or something, it can probably wait until after the president is out of office, when they can no longer pardon their kid, and there are fewer political motives floating around

Clinton pardoned his brother *after* he served his prison sentence

Clinton had much more controversial pardons than his brother.

I honestly believe Trump sold his sold to not be held accountable for anything he does. It’s the only thing that makes sense….

That’s funny bc trump didn’t say that

I wouldn’t have minded it so much if Biden hadn’t trashed the DOJ while pardoning his dipshit of a son.

Rules. Loopholes. Norms.

He pardoned Ivanka’s FIL for fuck’s sake.

It’s like people don’t understand that politics have been around before Biden and trump and everyone forgets about the years before Biden has been do backwater politics his whole career all political parties have with stock taxes and using their standing to benefit family and friends and make millions doing so at least trump made money buy selling property and business where Biden came out of the pocket of the American people

What you are saying is both are corrupt.

Lol you guys are the best 😅
Reading the posts is really entertaining

Yeah that’s total bullshit how it seems to be the norm to be harsher on people trying to be forces for good in the world than on people who don’t give a ahit and wreck havic around them…. Wtf

The dude who got a beej in the White House isn’t the foundation of “right things to follow” maybe. Just maybe. Most president didn’t actually care and knew regardless of their actions their party would still hold power. That’s the 2 party system disease. Do whatever you want because we got 2 choices.

I expect the last few days will be Biden pardoning a lot of people.

Hes been given a blanket pardon even for unknown crimes spanning 11 years, he could have murdered someone or worse and all of it will be expunged.

There are federal judges who are saying this is him ‘trying to rewrite history” its arguably if not the one of the biggest misuse of power by an american president ever

and theres more to come for the biden crime family ” you get a pardon and you get a pardon, everyone named biden gets a pardon”

Hes the worst president since nixon and even that is debateable.

Biden did it to protect himself. Keeping his son out of investigations that tie directly back to Joe is the primary reason he gave him blanket 10 year immunity.

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