Both make food crispy

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[Technology connections – Airfryers (youtube)](

TL:DW: they’re the same thing. But the little roster make the difference in how it cooks the food.

The rest is form-factor.

Size and efficiency. Smaller chamber heats up faster and wastes less energy (unless you keep opening it). Convection ovens, on the other hand, can keep a more stable temperature and can be quite efficient for long cooks/bakes. In short, wings are better in air fryer and whole bird is better in the oven.

Air fryers are smaller and thus faster at heating up. Some air fryers also stir the food while cooking allowing for a more even crust.

This should explain everything;


An air fryer is essentially a fan oven. A conventional oven uses convection heat that heats static air, and a fan oven circulates the air which is supposed to cover a larger surface area and thus be a more efficient way to cook. Most modern ovens have a fan setting anyway, some even having a ‘hot air’ setting which is what this is. The only difference, clever marketing. Ironically, air fryer specific ‘healthier’ foods can be eaten without an air fryer. The innovation is the fact it’s ‘portable’, but I don’t really know who’s the sort of person to take their oven for a walk…

Toaster ovens weren’t getting enough sales, so rearranging the parts and sold it as a different item.

I literally never heard of convection ovens before XD

Air fryers fit on your counter

Clearly you don’t own an air fryer

One fries the air one does not

One is an air fryer and one is not

This will piss off the weak and pathetic:
One is for gullible consumers. The other is for those who can use their oven.

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