Bought my first bumper sticker this week at 32 years old.

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I had a woman tell me that it was ok that trump raped women because the women he raped were adults but Biden raped kids.

Every single person who voted for trump is a combination of extremely stupid and evil. Every single one.

/yes I know Biden didnt rape kids and trump did, I was just repeating her statement

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โ€ฆ oh wait, wrong guilty verdict legal case. Opps

That’s a great beginning. Fuck them magas

They are proud he is a rapist.

May I ask where you got this? I would love to get one.



Yay!!! Excellent choice!! I’ve been designing some recently. ๐Ÿ˜

I support freedom of expression and speech, but be cautious; there are extremists who do not understand this.

Congrats! You win.
comment image?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9a24dcfdf47d634fd399004c09b9459b887bd3

#Friendly reminder for the ignorant of why exactly Trump is a rapist:

Hereโ€™s a [Jury verdict form]( where 12 jurors concluded that Donald Trump sexually assaulted a woman. That sexual assault consisted of cornering her in a dressing room, pinning her down, and forcefully shoving his fingers into her vagina as she struggled to stop him.

He can be accurately called a rapist, according to [the jury verdict and judgeโ€™s written ruling]( in the case.

> The juryโ€™s unanimous verdict in Carroll II was almost entirely in favor of Ms. Carroll. The only point on which Ms. Carroll did not prevail was whether she had proved that Mr. Trump had โ€œrapedโ€ her within the narrow, technical meaning of a particular section of the New York Penal Law โ€“ a section that provides that the label โ€œrapeโ€ as used in criminal prosecutions in New York applies only to vaginal penetration by a penis. Forcible, unconsented-to penetration of the vagina or of other bodily orifices by fingers, other body parts, or other articles or materials is not called โ€œrapeโ€ under the New York Penal Law. It instead is labeled โ€œsexual abuse.

Per New York law, an act can only be called โ€œrapeโ€ if it involves Penis-in-Vagina penetration. This is an old, antiquated definition used by few states โ€” most modern statutes define rape as any forced sexual penetration of another personโ€™s body, regardless of penetration method.

โ€œHe just used his fingers to penetrate his victimโ€ still makes him a rapist under the federal rape statute and in common parlance.

Pay no attention to the cultists trying to excuse and downplay jury-ruled sexual assault.


Yet here we are.

They still wonโ€™t get it.

Or felons wtf

There’s nothing political about saying “I didn’t vote for the felon”


See I donโ€™t have the energy to put something like that on my car because Iโ€™d get accosted by 1000 huffy fucking idiots as seen in the comments here

Republicans would offer up their daughters to Mango Musolini. They have no morals or convictions.

Will you actually put that on your car?I love it, but there are so many assholes out there now who would key your car, or worse, because you insulted their Fuhrer,



Amen !

Love the rainbow colors. You can burn magaz and support the alphabet people in one bumper sticker. Neato

what the fuck am I looking at? Even the comments are a mindfuck lol

Post the picture of the car

It should go further and say decent instead of normal.

People with common sense don’t submit themselves to a “master.”

Never bought one myself but I like it .Good on you for being a good decent human being

So true! It is sickening!


Great start!

That’s a great bumper sticker it cover all politicians in both parties.

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