Bourborn Street on Superbowl Eve

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I know it smell crazy in there


Oh hell no.

how can any one find being in that enjoyable??

I believe they are all there to watch Dom dolla whose playing on the balcony.

Imagine how long it would take to get another beer; no thanks!

I can smell that photo.

I love New Orleans. It’s an amazing city with a ton of history. Boutbon Street smells like pee on a good day.

This looks terrifyingly close to being a catastrophic event

Nowadays I see a stampede ready to go off

Where do you pee… oh dear

Not a single superb owl in sight 😲

Anyone find the huge ass?

Fuck, and I cannot stress this enough, that.

This is a John Summit b2b Dom Dolla pop-up DJ set.
You can see them on the balcony.
It was shut down once the crowd got too big due to security concerns.
Is all posted on their instagrams.


Too bad people don’t show up to defend their rights like this.

This looks like a Where’s Waldo puzzle

Last time I was on Bourbon Street in a crowd that big, I got groped and sexually assaulted by dozens of men reaching their hands through the crowd. 🙁

A where’s Waldo of impending doom.

Those balconies with 20+ are held up by hopes and dreams and a 1/2″ pipe.

I can smell the covid


mid 2020 yells “Super spreader” cough-cough

Fucking hell America. Can’t get more than a couple of hundred out in the street to protest a nazi coup of your government, but you can manage to flood the streets for this shit. Incredible…

This is at the Dom Dolla free show. He was shut down after 30 mins. (He’s on the mic in the top right corner)

I wouldn’t partake in this kind of shit if you GAVE me a ticket to the Superbowl.

Pickpockets field day

How is this even fun.

Looks like hell.

Look not my cup of tea but all these comments are soft. Large gatherings for concerts, festivals and sporting events happen every week around the world. Living in constant fear is not the way to live life.

What is the pleasure in this? I’m objectively curious to understand what people who supposedly enjoy swarms like this get from doing it. This is my hell.

Protests against oligarchs?

I’ll pass..

Pickpocket or terrorist’s paradise.

Yeah issa Hellllll Nahhhhh for me!! Ain’t no way…..

That’s a lot of flu transmission. Nope.

That looks like about the shitiest time I can imagine

Perfect setup for a mass casualty crowd crush

Looks like a horrible time. Never in my life have I said let’s go to where all the strangers we won’t talk to our so we can be uncomfortable and wait in long lines. Sounds so fun.

Imagine the smell

To be fair two of the biggest house DJs where playing. Dom Dolla and John summit …

You want a crush? Because that’s how you get a crush…

If only people cared about our government this much…

lol. That’s like India on a Tuesday.

It’s fun to zoom in on some of the faces of the people in the crowd. Most do not look happy.

All those people waiting to get into Rick’s Cabaret? Lmao

All of a sudden, I have to pee really bad.

This looks miserable.

Ah, I can smell the pee and puke from here

That does not look like fun

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