Boys vs girls: smells

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Bullllshit. My wife will let one rip and laugh about it as I gag!

when my bro farts, I fart too, and it never ends

OP doesn’t know any women

Period farts.

Lol yeah, when I was a kid a friend of mine taught me the trick to force a burp, and we would often compete to check who can burp more without getting tired.

Nah you’re risking a leak.

Women are generally more tolerant of bodily grossness than men are in my experience.

Just be sure that its really gonna be a fart

Men gross and women clean.


men in the women field

What do I win if I shit my pants?

Humans didn’t invent comedy, it was born when one ape ripped ass in the cave, and everyone else started jumping up and down, shrieking.

Only guys can figure out each other’s strength by farting. If your friend does it brighter, longer and longer, you lost bro, and you have to feed such a machine so that his talent does not disappear

lol 😂

Guys will be guys

This is peak masculinity looks like

Men will be men lmao

Just try to not fart in front of girls pleaseee

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