Brain Drain by Oliver Schoff

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As someone in a big working group at a university, I can personally confirm that the recent people leaving to postdoc positions did take this into consideration and it did influence their decision (at least partly)

Not many people here in the US are talking out loud about it, but I can guarantee you that the more educated and liberally minded among us are eyeballing the possibility. I am an American with dual citizenship in an EU country. My wife (dentist) and I (cybersecurity consultant) have had more and more conversations, in the past months, about the possibility. It is a sad thing to have to even consider.

I wish this was true. So far this seems to like a fantasy, but who knows.

To be honest, except during the war, European universities and scientists have never been inferior to those in the United States.

Nuclear technician in US. Looking to go anywhere else once contract is up.

*looks at science and engineering wages in EU & US*

Yeah, sure.

Love the illustrations, but as a non-European, I have to ask, what do the bull and the girl in white dress represent on the european side?

The bull, you ask? Europe’s boyfriend, and he consider his gender as “Greek God” somehow. We’re highly progressive in Europe

Musk just needs another X, and he’s literally a parody. [](

EU should do Reverse Operation Paperclip, together with throwing a bunch of money to universities and industry. We need to reindustrialize and return Europe to be a centre of science, academia and scholarship.

I’m from the US. I’m currently in college for environmental science. I’m 44 years old and finally have the opportunity to complete school.

This hits hard. I’m watching my fellow students plan to leave their families and everything to go work anywhere but the US. I might have to as well. I didn’t vote for this, I didn’t want this.

Y’all are going to have your pick of excellent minds ready to do good things. I hope you treat them better than the US has. They deserve all the good things life has to offer them.

They didn’t flee, they went to America or where judged in Germany byyy.. Americans. The same people that didn’t accept Jewish refugees, but accepted national socialist scientists with open arms.

The US had a significantly higher GDP per capita than Nazi Germany, unfortunately even scientists will think with their wallet until they are on the chopping block.

Don’t hold your breathe.

Let’s not pretend that war isn’t coming to greater Europe.

I’ll probably flee to AU/NZ. You can bounce back and forth every 3 months for 2 years on tourist visas.

My brain is super drained… r/V2KTRUTH

It feels like a pipe dream to get out of the states

A fair number of scientists left between 1945-1950 iirc.

Yes, the invention of that “stay on” bottle cap certainly exemplifies all that the EU has to offer.

literally like this , when musk were salute like this the significant thats recession of US has come , tariff 25% make product EU more expensive but the those product US more expensive too when accesory import from to EU and US alliance, so the product US definitely will more expensive but quality probably not as good as EU

Maybe if we change some laws they would move here.

Wild chirp to the countries that bailed the eu out from hitlerism

Exactly what I was thinking yesterday. Europe will be the center of science again.


Working to get my Italian citizenship as we speak.

Isn’t Giorgia Meloni literally a fascist

How many nuclear reactors does Germany have again?

I wonder if Europe will be hospitable to American immigrants or hostile. 

i think it’s so fucked up that elon musk has his own concentration camps and holocaust. its uncanny the similarities

I’m in the US, and blessed with just enough privilege to try to make a case for me. But I want to use it to see what I can do here. 🍀🙏🏼

Actually…. nazi had the best scientists. All that great shit we have improved, were developed by Nazis …. Fundamentals of the genetics and DNA were established by nazi, rocket and hey engine and guided missiles….and many more .

As someone who’s worked in tech in the US for the last 8 years… you guys know of any place with openings? I’ve got to get off this sinking ship

it’s the brain drain, our brains are draining

Well, one: the scientists were actually Nazis, and war-booty from Hitler’s defeat.

And in this case, the guys with the science are the ones becoming our oligarchs. No one is fleeing to Europe, except for maybe some bureaucrats implicated in some illegalities: no science involved.

Very funny… not

Just wondering, what will be the cause from which the USA will have to save Europe this (third) time – Khalifate or Putinism?

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