Branding 101

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Making decisions at a place you aren’t qualified to work?

Screw marketing, you have a future in politics

Your face in the 4th panel is đź‘Ś

Yep. Sexy. 

Reeaaally missing out from the furry market. Their loss.

Is this your way of telling us that your commissions are open for furry artwork

comment image?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7703547e42c13e45c0ede11f288f7ac4bfe7d9a2

Sexy cats are what the people want. Elk was right, though. You’re almost tooo good at fursona’s.

Would buy

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is how you got out of a job at Disney or something.

I’m going to need to see the original mascot before I can decide how much sexier the new one is


Also, cats can have eight-packs?

The ~~Author’s~~ Marketing Lead’s Barely Disguised Fetish

“HR? We need this woman hired ASAP, just so we can actually fire her”

comment image?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1634ca47a3fede40013233e0d9ae428ae4ac32

OMG this is killing me! Those cabs! Your pouty third panel lips! I’m going to barf for joy

I’m more concerned about how sexy you seem to find regular cats, if that’s a 200% increase.

That`s a pretty detailed drawing for someone who is “not a furry”.

Honestly they’d sell more if that beefcake CEO was the mascot instead



I bloody love your comics

Where do they sell sex? /s

Establishing dominance. I like it.

Your face in the third panel is diabolical lol

5d chess move, right there.

After years of eating these treats, my cat does NOT have abs like that

PCC this is your meow-gnum o-paws

Why do you have modern flynn rider energy (positive)

Brooklyn 99, Gina.

I love all your comics but this is my current favorite

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