Break Time – Gator Days (OC)

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Being closer to the ground just feels safer. Idk why

i love bitchface boar. she’s so relatable

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Uch those fucking ‘motivational’ posters in the break room are givimg me war flashbacks. Too real man, too real.

I bet even the sweet packets aren’t that sweet.

You doing okay, u/FieldExplores ? 

Sometimes just… Changing position helps. Being in a different position or a different room.

Ah she returns being very supportive

The boar woman may not look beautiful, but is a really nice person. The difference between “ouside” and “inside”(Sorry for my bad english).

Can you two please schooch over bit, I need a bit of space on that floor as well. 🤣

That lady is everything you need to get through office work. She is the ear to listen when you need it, a partner in crime when called for, has a good meme whenever you are on edge, and when you decide to burn it to the ground she reminds you of camera blind spots.

I haven’t had a job for the past 6 or so years, but man do I remember the stress.

I feel this way too much today. 2025 is shaping up to be the toughest for my family for several reasons. we aren’t even two months into the year either. Good luck to anyone else regardless of how severe their own situation may be. I feel for ya.

My kingdom for a single cool, friendly and supportive coworker like that.

Toss that coffee and have some decaf tea.

So consistently wholesome, love these comics!

Anywhere that I’ve worked, I would be too concerned about how dirty the floor is to sit on it.

I had to explain this to coworkers several times when I worked in a fast food place. I always sat where customers can’t see me, but if needed, I can spring back up and get things done. Nobody, myself included, could figure out why it worked so well, but it really helped on rough nights

Sounds like a shitty job

That’s when you take a packet of hot cocoa and mix it into a cup of coffee. If you are going to feel overwhelmed might as well add a ton of energy to the mix

lmao, I thought the box said secret packets. Turns out I should get my eyes checked, but man I really wanted to know what secret packets could be.

I did this, this morning. Trying to bake something for a brunch potluck today, and stuff just wouldn’t go right. I ended up just sitting on the floor against the kitchen cupboards. It does make you feel better, even if it’s just a little bit.

Honestly, that’s a good work buddy. sees coworker being weird alone; joins them.

Lol the wash hands part poster is real! xD

I have a even worse one and that is dont put any toilet paper in the Urinal…. that always caused it to get stuck

This implies there aren’t chairs in the break room

Are they friends?

Can confirm, have done for the last three years. Told to knock it off last month. Job got so much worse somehow.

I’ve had two kinds of bosses in my life, I don’t know which is worse.

Boss 1: “What are you doing sitting on the floor? Get back to work!”

Boss 2: “What’s going on here? Floor party, eh? I remember having floor parties in the good ol’ days.” (Boss sits next to us and starts yelling at clouds.)

Same August, same. Maybe doomscrolling Reddit will help. You might see cute comics about people.

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