Brian Mwenda posed as a lawyer, won 26 cases in court, and was eventually arrested for fraud. Instead of hiring a real lawyer, he represented himself in court and won his 27th case, securing his own freedom.

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Is there an honorary law degree? If this guy was stomping people that passed the bar, please tell me someone paid for his schooling.

Is he in the new Suits LA ??

Sounds like most of the details of this are BS.

Ie probably this guy SAID he won 26 cases… but given he stole another lawyer’s identity, of course he would.


As a KENYAN LAWYER, I really dislike when people post this story, because NONE OF IT IS TRUE.

First of all, he had allegedly only been practicing for about a year or a year and a half when he was found. I will tell you right now FOR FREE that there is no way that he started and concluded more than one or two VERY SIMPLE cases within that period of time in our litigation system, LET ALONE 26. The only way that is possible is if he picked up someone else’s cases that were already nearly concluded.

Secondly, he CERTAINLY DID NOT represent himself in his own case and win again.


Mike Ross

Where is the movie based on this guy? If there are none lets get on this independent film makers.

This is pretty dope lol

Best “fake it til you make it” award 👏 

While this guy seems impressive, it’s important to note that he stole another lawyer’s identity.

There isn’t much evidence that he actually won those cases either.

Mike Ross would be proud 🥺

Bro should take the Bar at that point.

Speaking as an attorney, there is really no magic to it. In the US at least. Law school after the first year is basically a scam. We’re not doctors. Your average above average intelligence undergrad graduate could be a decent lawyer after about a year of training. And by “decent lawyer,” I mean a good apprentice, lol, not starting a solo law firm.

That said Brian was not in the US so it works different there. Our entire legal education system is just stupid.


Extreme aura levels from this man, respecc!

When you’re fraud and you know it, but it’s too good to leave it all alone, anyone would do the same… 🎵

Someone should just sponsor his law school education


Won 26 but how many did he lose?

If my lawyer showed up to court in a George Washington powdered wig, that would be my first clue that he wasn’t an actual lawyer. Unless of course, we were in Australia, or where this is commonplace.


Goated lol

His hairstyle is fire NOT GUILTY

Actually Mike Ross

Mike Ross irl LMAO

Saul goodman in real life

Better call Saul

Courtroom Brown

Then the prosecutor called trial by combat and Brian Mwenda won his first duel to death.


Has he considered just…becoming a lawyer?

Mike Ross irl

Fuck it. I’m pot committed. Let’s ride this out

Brian Nvidea

This man went to the Jeffrey Winger school of law

Please netflix this will do numbers.


the real life Mike Ross

If I had a nickel for every time this was reposted….

The meek shall inherit the earth

Mike Ross?

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