Bro cooked.

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Jimmy just gone, and this guy’s already planning a psychedelic farewell tour lol

Not a big deal. I take acid on presidents funerals on a regular basis.

“Have any of y’all been to a former president’s funeral on acid?”

Very specific and limited crowd I’d assume.

Bro wants to literally see Jimmy’s soul ascend

I would not suggest going anywhere near the secret service while tripping 🤣

I once went to an open day of Church of Mormons while tripping balls on mushrooms. I’ve got the feeling they didn’t seem me a serious candidate, very quickly isolated me from the main tour, showed me some bullshit things in their church and very quickly ended my tour. I still feel their while building inside was a mix of cult aesthetics on an airport Hilton budget for interior decoration.

Low dose, not crazy, but think about the *raw emotions* involved. People like to talk up the visual hallucinations, but on lsd, especially at that dose, the most striking thing about the experience is the feelings. People like listening to music on acid because they can *feel* the music like never before, and it has a profound impact on them. Personally, I’d be afraid of how emotional I might be if I attended a funeral on acid. Or, who knows? Maybe it could be a very healing experience that gives someone closure.

Are any of the people constantly posting the phrase “bro cooked” every 3 seconds on the internet real or are they all just bots?

I’ll scroll Reddit for 5 minutes and see that phrase about 35 times.

Can we get a moment of silence and a bottle of Tabasco?

[Early SNL depicting Carter talking down a distressed caller on a bad acid trip](

“RIP King, I’ll see you soon” is diabolical lmao

not that crazy. that’s a pretty standard low dose.

eat a ten strip and get back to us

My friends used to just dose wherever, some people man… We’d be working hot presses at a factory and his pupils would look ridiculous. I bet that guys been to some important funerals on it before.

Does he want to go with him?

EXCELLENT idea. Wish I could be there with you.

I always wanted to do acid in zero gravity.

It’s nice to have goals.

We should meet up. I went on antacid.
Too much spaghetti.

Has this been reposted to r/brandnewsentence yet?

I wanna hear how it went

Peanuts went sour

> I’ll see u soon


Say hello to Jimmy for me

Jimmy Carter would probably just hand you a glass of lemonade and ask if you’re doing okay

I watched Ted Kennedy’s funeral procession while super high, so I feel this.

150 micrograms is aggressive 😂😭

I hope we get a follow-up post about this. I’m invested now.

I keep thinking of the guy who busts in to the party on Super Troopers saying “I LOVE ACIIID!” OP please do this for us at the funeral and report back (if you can from jail)

between 50ug and 150ug are rookie numbers. do three tabs (450ug) and report back

A couple of times i went to cemeteries at night on acid. That was terrifying and I think I believe in ghosts since then

Reminds me of the time I did a tour of one of the larger Mormon temples on acid when it was temporarily decommissioned for repairs. Wild times.

“See you soon”. Dude’s predicting that Secret Service ate gonna neutralize him

I’m not sure you can still proclaim someone as the oldest living president when you’re going to their funeral.

Make sure to visit Statuary Hall while you’re there tripping, lol.

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