Bro finally discovered their use for men

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“I gotta change my pads bro”

I had two warts removed from my armpit and started bleeding. A pad was great for that. They’re literally made to absorb blood in highly flexible areas.

some smart person is going to see this and be on shark tank with armpit man pads in 3 years.

I’m not that person

This is an old golfers trick that’s been around for decades

Okay, but seriously, that’s actually kinda smart

Brilliant.for any dude unaware of pads the girl contour are smaller and curved so it won’t look like you shoved a pad surfboard in your shirt. ๐Ÿ™‚

Every upvote and positive comment here from guys gives me hope that there really are men out there who embody healthy masculinity, and fellas-thatโ€™s sexy as hell

I’m tellin’ ya, if we called pads “pad bandages” and tampons “plug bandages” they’d fly off the shelves for first aid kits.

Lmaooo the last time I had sweatie armpits, I stuck some mcdonalds napkins I had on hand. Did the trick.

Even more reason to put feminine products in the men’s bathroom

Rebrand as manpads and I guarantee you the sales will go through the roof. This is genius ๐Ÿ˜‚

my grandfather used to put toilet paper under his armpit when he went to important events in his shirt

I have excessively sweaty armpits like this guy. Like I could be standing in a freezer and theyโ€™ll drip like you wouldnโ€™t believe. I use Certain Dri, it keeps me dry for a week straight. Actual life saver.

Russian soldiers were already using them.

I can’t wait until they’re marketed as armpit pads and the price drops 50%.

They actually make these specifically for armpit sweating and it’s not a feminine pad, I use them alot for my business suits or work clothes so I don’t sweat through my blazer sometimes I be cooking in all that fabric

They will come out with pads for men and be half the price as the womanโ€™s version


Where TF were you when I was in High School and had mostly black tee’s??!!

Smart guy.. maybe you should use Borotalco.. trust me.. it really helps

Also, use baby powder on your whole body to absorb sweat on a hot day. That shit works wonders for walking sprinklers like me

Guys they also make pads specifically for arm pits and they’re a little bit cheaper. No shame in them! The just might fit a little better

My brother in law does this so he doesnโ€™t ruin his good suit shirts. Itโ€™s hard being Persian.

Someone took stupid tiktok life hack videos seriously

Pads stick? it has glue????

Meet the revolutionary armpit air-conditioning system for bros.

Micheal scott would be proud

This is the most brilliant thing I’ve seen on the internet this year.

I’m Australian. Its getting fucking hot and deodorant doesn’t do shit.

This man has won the internet as far as I’m concerned.

Armpit pads (not pad pads) already exist. Look up “dress shields” and/or “underarm sweat pads.”

I did this in highschool cause I stank. One time, it fell out of the bottom of my dress and my friends never looked at me the same cause I was too embarrassed to clarify it was for my BO

Maybe now theyโ€™ll finally get government funding

When I was a young adult, I would sweat an insane amounts from my armpits and actually did this to my work uniforms.

I learned of this trick from watching kings of queens

If u have any insecurities about your armpit sweat this is a life saver. Wow

I thought we all learned this from Michael Scott during his deposition

I tried this once to save a nice outfit from getting sweat stains in the summer. Used a liner instead of a full pad so it wouldnt be noticeable.

It did work.

However, it was not very comfortable and the combination of sweat + the friction of moving my arms around throughout the day caused the liner to split around noon and and left little absorbent gel bits in my armpits and on the blouse.

Edit: I bet it works better with cotton liners/pads instead of the more absorbent ones (which were all i had)

Women have used these in the form of “dress shields ” since gosh someone correct me the 80s or early 90s? Just a little oval pad you stick into your shirt or dress so you don’t stain or sweat through.

Wait until you hear about tampon use starting circa 2002

I guess tampon tim was on to something when he put tampons in menโ€™s bathrooms


There is actually shirts like this, called [Thompson shirts](

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