Bro needs to chill lol

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Funny, in french we call it a “fou” which means crazy but really it relates to a “fou du roi” which is a court jester.

Apparently it has different names in different countries.

In Balkan languages it’s called “hunter”.

In German it‘s the „Läufer“ which could be translated to runner.

In my language we call this piece the elephant

The french name, fou, translates to fool in english.


We call it elephant in Turkiye

Couldn’t care less about changing the name of the thing, but just an observation.

It wasn’t always called that, Europe created it’s own names “king”, “queen”, etc, to make it relatable for its people.

And btw this is only in english, as you’ve seen in this thread, in different languages they’re called differently.
Edit: Portugal also, first originated in France, which then changed it to jester, and then England.,

In spanish it’s “Alfil” which means nothing, it’s just the same word as the arabs used which meant “elephant”.

“Läufer” if you play it in Germany

rainbow buttplug, just to piss this guy off more

He is right you know. That’s a bishop period.

Bish thats forever the bishop

In Ukraine we call it “Elephant”

For the record, they always looked like Grovers to me.


I’m curious if he was that upset about “Gulf of America”

In italian it’s a soart of flag bearer/soldier

The buttplug would work.

The butt plug

In India we call it “Uutaha” which means Camel. Other pieces meaning are Horse (Knight), Elephant (Rook), Soldier (Pawn).

The juicer?

It’s called Elephant in India where chess is originated. A lot of Asian countries call it Elephant as well.

No need to bash it

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Pumpa pumpa pumpa

Wasn’t it called the “vizier” in middle east before the game was brought to Europe

Why would kiki palmer respond like this?

Archer or spell caster.

10 bucks says “Kiki” has never played chess

The Mr. Game and Watch

Can opener

It kind of looks like a proud squirrel

I call it a sniper for those moments it takes out my queen from across the board.

Originally it was an elephant

Dues vult


The inquisitor

I don’t get it

Mr. Game & Watch enjoying a sexual favor

Shut that bishop.

It’s an elefant

Snipers must go

Moe Lester

I arabic, he’s a gay atheist communist elephant

Reminds me abit of that old snes character

“Next they’re going to change the Queen, to ‘Drag Queen’!”

Kiki do you love me?

In Arabic it’s called “Al Feel” which translates to The Elephant

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