Bro was highly Intoxicated

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that reminds me of the post surgery one where the guy is so happy to learn the woman at the bedside is his wife

At least he is sticking to one girl.

Well, you can be sure he won’t cheat on you no matter how wasted he gets! A true keeper

Reposted to death

Oh fuck off Rebecca, he did not say that

This man is so loyal he rejected you for you

I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $100, Alex.

And the girlfriends name? Thats right!
Albert Einstein

This is one of those things that undoubtedly happened

Bro knows the game. Fun fact, he wasn’t drunk but now he can be out a much as he wants and fuck everything with a crack since he’s so cute and loves her unconditionally. Pro move


I know there’s a drunk way to read that quote, but I’m picturing a very articulate naked man passing out on her floor.

Boyfriend Jedi night tricked her, he just got finished having an affair and did that so she would never expect him of having done it

Old joke but still funny

Drunk him is more loyal than some dudes sober 💀💀

Task failed successfully.

Thats a well raised man

I do the same thing, everytime I want to buy something expensive for me

This didn’t happen

That didn’t happen.

I did this, got in bed wife tried to cuddle me i said no thank you I’ve got a missus.

Yeah if that actually happened dude is just playing 4D chess. He knew what he was doing.

He really said loyalty over logic, and I respect it

This is the third version I’ve seen of this story. It’s making me appreciate copy paste reposts because at least they don’t make me feel like a conspiracy theorist trying to tie seemingly unrelated events together.

Plot twist, he meant his other girlfriend.

My best friend woke up, went to his girlfriend’s closet, pissed in it and went back to sleep. Another time he pissed on the end of the bed. He doesn’t drink much anymore and they’ve been married for a number of years.

This never happened

He deserves a good breakfast

It’s me… I’m the boyfriend.

You’re the side he went to the wrong woman’s house

You’re the side he went to the wrong woman’s house

Ehh now he’ll be cheated on. Bro should’ve used the opportunity

Yeah I’ve seen different versions of this being posted since 2010 facebook.

Last time I saw this there’s the plot twist that he’s being loyal to a girl you don’t know.

Not again.

It seems to happen every week on reddit.

Sounds like a keeper to me.

I’m hearing it in a british accent

I mean you never know, he maybe be talking about his other secret gf

Yeah sure that happened

I really hope the first person who wrote this text like 12 years ago enjoys everyone claiming the story happened to them

Where do you guys find these guys fr😭 so adorable

Hm, but why did he want to stay at another woman’s home in the first place?

It doesn’t matter at all but posts like these irk me. I’ve seen like 10 obviously fake variations of this over the years and something about it makes me cringe every time. Why are there actual adults who just make things up for the internet

Gotta love when there’s proof that disproves the “I only cheated cause I was too drunk, it won’t happen again” argument

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