Bunch of goddamned weirdos

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Bc they realized they will need actual policy after winning, and this will distract from that

You cannot unite the uneducated without a scapegoat.

Religious conservatives be manipulating photos to perpetuate their racist, sexist, transphobic, and bigoted “Christian love”.

They just love imaging a guy plowing Obama. They won’t admit to it but it never leaves their heads and it’s why they never shut up about it.

They run on hate. Without there is nothing

We won what do we do now? Same shit? Same shit.

Charlie Kirk is one of the ugliest human beings to walk the planet

God this reminds me of flat earth

Like what does the government gain from covering this up?

Stop obsessing over people’s genitals

Jimmy Carter once said something akin to “The best presidents have been the ones that have inspired the people that they could be better than they can be. An almost limitless optimism and confidence that we can be a better country for ALL of us.” Obama was one of those presidents, recent Republican offerings have fallen short. In the case of the Mango Mussolini, his ego will always resent the fact he can never achieve this.

I hear more about trans people from the conservatives than I do from actual trans people.

Canadian here. Was chatting with a guy from Rhode Island today. Nice guy. Sadly when he told me Biden was the most corrupt President the US has ever had I shut down the conversation and lost respect for him. Y’all brainwashed af.

Obama derangement syndrome.

Pumpkin head is proud to be racist. That’s why. Don’t overthink it.

I’m always amazed at how much of their limited brain capacity the MAGA crowd devotes to their obsession over everybody’s anatomy, including children. But… they worship a disgusting, dumb, senile, decrepit, fat, orange, convicted felon, rapist, known conman… So I guess that explains their obsession.

Then again, there’s always data too, demonstrating it! https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/

They are bitter, angry people. They can’t imagine someone bring genuinely happy so it *has* to be a lie.

Democrat derangement syndrome since 2008 because a half black guy won twice.

It’s so weird – why would this be a thing? ‘She’s back, she’s smarter than me – I’m gonna say she’s a man’

Like what’s the point? After all that time spent claiming President Obama wasn’t born in the USA too. They’re so weird.

Whenever a right winger says stay tuned it means they are lying.

Because they will have no satisfaction until the U.S. is in the 1950’s again and women and minorities know their place-silent and obedient to white men’s authoritarianism.

She has so much rent in their tiny tiny brains

The smallest men in the world.

I never knew a political party that’s so obsessed about what’s going on in someone else’s panties.

It’s just blatant racism too. This transvestigating is just another way to claim women of color are “mannish” and “not real women”.

If they can make us believe absurdity, they can make us behave atrociously.

They won the election so they could continue transvestigating

Why? Because culture wars distract people from class wars.

You misspelled “assholes”, OP.

“The truth is that we’re idiots who have no idea black cis-gender women tend to have broader shoulders. We also wonder why so few women have pointy chins and dinner-plate eyes.”

They have nothing better to do. They just hate, hate, and hate. That’s ok, we counter with compassion, respect, and love

Should be investigating MTG

Ah, yes… Good old-fashioned upstanding MAGA conservatives… We will degrade, demean, insult, lie about, propagandize, and just generally be a shitty human being when it’s YOUR guy or gal that we’re talking about… Oh! But don’t you dare for one second even think about saying a negative word about our beloved orange cult leader! That’s off-limits! How dare you? Allow me to clutch my pearls as I gasp in disbelief and shock!


People’s genital’s is all they think about, especially kids….. really makes you wonder.

Would they be saying the same thing about Melania if that two bit whore didn’t have readily available nudes?

Republicans are OBSESSED with women having penises. Doth protest too much

People who worry about other peoples junk are weird.

The truth about Charlie Kirk is revealed:

He is the 2nd moon of Tellus. His facial features comprise of about 12,33% of the available surface area of his face.

The vaginal dryness of the entire female population of earth can be measured by the phases of this moon.
When his face rises, the wetness of the average female genitalia drops to 0%

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