Burn the Witch [OC]

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“I’m glad I’m alive but that still hurt.”

I love how the shadow of the goat is the devil.

Soooo I originally made this comic with “sick burn” as the final line. I then saw Cyanide and Happiness did [a similar comic]comment image) over a decade ago. Not the first time I’ve come up with something that was already done, but the first time I completed the comic before noticing it.

I had this gnawing suspicion I couldn’t have been the first person to come up with this but nothing popped up when I originally searched for it…using DuckDuckGo. It was still bothering me so I later searched again via Google, and goddammit, the C&H was revealed. Not the first time the duck has failed me.

I didn’t want to trash it after putting all those hours into drawing it, and it’s still the same “punchline” but I figured I’d remove the line to try to diminish the similarities a bit more.

Better? Worse?
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I like how the “witch” on the last panels looks just confused than burned like “Is it realy that big?”

The pilgrim doing a devil horn hand sign to celebrate the burn on panel 3 is pretty dang hilarious

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Beavis, Butthead and Stewart?

Fucking savage

I get the whole sick “burn” aspect of the comic. But could someone please explain the burn/roast itself? “Hang thy coif”?

Honestly this sounds like an amazing premise

Salem witch trials, burn the witch

Everyone just roasting whoever they think is a witch


Did you guys know coif is pronounced kwaf?

This is quite a better way of burning someone than actually burning them.

I love puns. lol

That is a Witch!

my autistic self was just really sad for the old lady before i realised the joke

Flyting really needs to come back into popular pastime.

Chuck Mangione must be stopped

What is a coif?


Least sickening sick witch burn.

Black Philip like, “Damn, he right tho”

More like “roast the witch”.

It’s just missing the guy going “whahhh!” with his hands on the sides of his head.


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