Burned him

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Disney gonna lose 300 Million dollars because <checks notes> lead actress is a mammal?

Don’t care about the film nor like the actress but to attack her for having hair on her back is just pure “basement deweler” energy. 

It reminds me of when some braindead moron claimed Scarlett Johansson was ‘mid’ for no other reason than she looked like a normal woman at the beach rather than a super slim swimsuit model.

He got rightly wrecked for that, but it’s so clear those people lack normal human interaction if that’s how they view women.

These grown-ass women-hating men need to stop pretending that they’re even remotely in the target demographic for these movies. They’re made for kids and Disney adults David, stop pretending that you would have seen the movie if only they cast a pale German girl.

The ideal woman in their eyes is a dolphin.

300 millimeter dollars

It reeks of incel

Wait until they find out that women also have body odour, burp, fart, actually they’ll never know a woman well enough to realise all that

Just waiting for Musk and Trump to make female body hair illegal

“Look at this human lady being all human and stuff. Gross.”

Funny, if I had to guess the one part of a woman he has seen is her back as she walks away from him. I guess he didn’t get a good look because they turn and run before they ever get close to him.

Wait why are people bullying this girl so relentlessly?

This is giving the same energy as not realizing women have a public bone lol (while crying)

Like I care. I’m as hairy as Robin Williams. Whoopity doo. I’ll wax that back while I wax that ass if she asks me to 🤣🤣

This shit doesn’t even make any sense. Did they not grow up with mothers? My mom doesn’t shave her arms (cuz why would she need to) so i got to know about woman hair at a very young age, surely something similar should’ve been the case for these anti-biologists?

Whats more pathetic? The fact that he didn’t know women also have hair on their skin, or that he abbreviated millimeters instead of millions?

This is them justifying their pedophilia. Simple as that.

A dude complaining about something like that would nut themselves if this chick ask them what time it was

i thought they hated admitting they were virgins online…

Why were they zooming in like that in the first place?? These guys are so weird and creepy

Rachel Zegler is so far out if “David Santa Clara’s” league that they don’t even play the same sport. It’s hilarious how these incel men like to body shame women who are beyond gorgeous simply because they don’t fit into the narrative of what a woman “should look like” in their mind. It’s pathetic! Also, if Rachel Zegler walked up to him naked and asked him to take her, he’d probably shit his pants and run away.

And instead of having relationships and sex, they’ve got Apartheid Boy and X.

Narrator Voice: “But Disney didn’t lose $300 million. In fact, Disney is doing just fine ….”

Glad he let everyone know that he is a virgin. That was nice of him.

Gooners gonna goon

shitty ai upscaling the second pic isnt even representative zoom in on the first and tell me she has any significant dark back hair. Its not there

What am I supposed to see here?

Latina women are a blessing in so many ways.

These are the guys that think women only grow hair on their head and any woman that has body hair is secretly a man.

Blud thinks all women should look like his anime waifu


I’d say the dwarves looking like nightmare goblins is a bigger issue.

You mean women aren’t as silky smooth in real life as my waifu?

This is what happens when the only time you’ve ever seen a womans bare skin is in porn where they’re all professionally plucked and waxed and bleached all the time lol

the internet never fails to surprice

He’s confused because none of his a.i. anime schoolgirl girlfriends have body hair.

These incels man, 😂

I mean, losing 300 millimeters isn’t really that much, but the “$” doesn’t belong with a measurement.

I’m also curious about where they’re going to lose it from? Like, are the plate tectonics causing Hollywood to shrink?


Welcome to dating.


I missed the whole thing. I’m looking at the picture and thinking, “…because she…has…a spine?”🤦🏻‍♂️

His real life doll doesn’t have hair (he could not afford it) so obviously no real woman has hair.

world, to women: be skinny!

world, to women: no, skinnier!!!

(skinny women [mammals] grow more hair as a biological safeguard against the elements)

world, to women: ew!! ever hear of wax???

Here’s what I don’t get. People get up in arms because a non-white person portrays a traditionally white character.

These are the same people that called us snowflakes for arguing against white people voicing ethnic characters.

These are the same people that would call movies like Encanto, Coco, Turning Red, and Princess Tiana DEI forced diversity.

What tf are non-white people allowed to have that would make these people leave us tf alone? It takes them so much more energy to attack these things and these people rather than leave them alone.

Again, this is skin color swatch card material.

They know women have hair and they know white women do too, but they cherry pick to dehumanise and other.

It’s not some gotcha that you think it is, rather it’s veiled racism. They just don’t like her in the role of snow white because of her skin color, so they’ll grab at anything to abuse.

I’ve been saying this for literally years now, but it’s really clear that so many of these people have never seen a woman close up.

It’s honestly sad, I mean that literally. They for whatever reason have been isolated for most of their life and clearly don’t understand the world properly.

They make it so easy!

People really need to leave this woman alone. I get she hasn’t acted perfectly and it’s fine to criticise within reason, obviously, but the pure hatred and vitriol I’ve seen online for her is disturbing. She’s a person.


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