But anyone can learn to code and get six figures easily! No wonder why the tech market is shit now.

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Instructions unclear, tried learning to trade stocks and lost everything.

I traded my codes.

the entire trade industry desperately needs workers, but unlike everyone else begging for employees, trades actually pay well and at this juncture in history, they’re willing to train you to get there.

2030s: Learn how to scam people

1990s Go to college and get literally any degree. Living wage jobs are guaranteed. 😏

not just learn a trade u gotta start a company too with yt shorts and videos

2025: OnlyFans

I code and do art for very decently into 6 figures though

One is spent comfortably at a desk in AC. The other requires crawling in hot attics or under houses. Choose wisely.


Because if you learned how to code in 2010 and your career was not a complete failure, then you have a high chance earning a 7 figures in 2020s living in US

You can only lose a 100% but reach practicallly anything!

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